
The man himself

Hirohiko Araki, the visionary creator of “JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure,” draws inspiration from a rich tapestry of influences rooted in his youth. Growing up in Sendai, Japan, during the 1960s and 1970s. This early exposure shaped his artistic sensibilities, evident in the eclectic mix of references found throughout the series. Araki’s journey into the manga world began with the one-shot “Buso Poker” in 1980, and his breakthrough came with “JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure” in 1987. The series spans multiple generations of the Joestar family. Beyond manga, Araki’s collaborations, such as with Gucci and potentially others, showcase his ability to transcend artistic boundaries and merge the worlds of high fashion and manga. These collaborations not only highlight his versatility but also solidify his impact on popular culture, creating a lasting legacy that goes beyond the pages of his iconic manga.