Building for Your Retirement

While there are many options regarding where people live when they retire, more and more retirees are beginning to build instead of rent. One of the primary reasons, of course, is for control over the design. There does not need to be any wasted space. The home needs to be specifically friendly and accessible to the owner. Furthermore, the house needs to feel like it is yours, and not just in title.

However, there are many other factors to consider before simply building your retirement palace. Family, friends, neighbors, and closeness to the things you enjoy should all have an influence, specifically because of what a retirement home is supposed to be.

Castle or Cabin?

Size is a significant factor in building your dream retirement home. Considering the expertise of a professional construction company franchise is always a good idea before you begin serious planning—since there are plenty of things to keep in mind. First, you need to think about maintenance and upkeep. Are you going to be up for taking care of an enormous house by yourself? Furthermore, are you going to use all of the rooms? What about stairs? Are two stories necessary, or can you build everything on a single floor? Homeowners often find themselves with a little “too much house” after overzealously building.

Another thing to consider is who will be living there, and how frequently. If you want your house to be a constant place for family gatherings, then perhaps it is OK to have an extra room or two. Inversely, there is something else to consider about the size of your home: will you be at home all of the time? This is something to think about mainly because if you are going to be traveling, visiting, and getting outside, then your retirement home may only need the most modest of accommodations.

Consider the Cost

Cost of living is only one of several financial considerations when you are selecting a location for construction. However, it is a factor that requires a significant amount of research. Many retirees find themselves having to find part-time work or small jobs to keep up in an area with a higher cost of living. If you do not plan on doing these things, make sure you know all of the extra expenses of your locale.

Furthermore, there is the cost of upkeep to take into account. You might not want to mow your yard every Saturday. You might not get out into the garden as often as you would like. A new paint job might be in order after a decade. Remember all of these things when factoring the cost of living, as this home is a long-term investment.

Location, Location, Location

Along with the cost of living, your home’s proximity to services should be a factor. Rural living sounds appealing in theory, but are you sure you want to drive two hours for groceries? Furthermore, do you want to have to negotiate a crowded interstate when you have an emergency? Take inventory of the services you require and where they are. It will save you a lot of headaches later on.

Another thing to consider with location is your proximity to family, friends, and interests. Make yourself accessible to others, as well as the things you like to do. Boredom and loneliness are common problems that many retirees encounter, and it is often because of where they are.

Finally, you have to ask yourself how much or how little privacy you can tolerate. Are you OK with a suburban sprawl? A retirement community? Do you need a little more space? Consider the privacy and overall crowdedness of the city or town that you choose to build your home.

Get it Started Today

If you know that you are only a few years from retirement, it is time to start building. The time it takes to build a house is a factor, but that is not all there is. You want a home to be settled. You want a lived-in feel, and a house cannot feel lived-in if it was built only recently. Fortunately, there are several ways to get your living space broken in. Make it a vacation getaway. Let your family use it when they are traveling. Rent it out for short-term contracts. The only way to have a settled-in feel is to have bodies coming in and out.

Finally, you may not want to engage in a lot of projects after you retire. After your retirement castle has been built, you may discover that you want a fire pit. You might want a pool for the grandkids. Some improvements are much bigger undertakings than others, but why not start them after the home is completed? It is advisable to have your home entirely built and set up the way you would like it. Home improvement and extra jobs can be very demanding, often draining both your resources and time.

Whatever you choose as your home for retirement, have a plan, have a goal, and avoid wasting space and resources.