A Perspective: My Journey as a Creative Writer

How many people are considered ‘gifted’? To begin with, I definitely was not. I always viewed myself as an average person. I literally did nothing out of the ordinary. I would like to think that no one was born a poet or an essay writer. The thing is, when we were babies, we spoke gibberish. We cried or threw a tantrum because we could not successfully translate what we wanted…

Are Cars Getting Too Expensive?

Nothing can quite replicate the feeling of getting in a new car. The clean interior, the smell of a newly purchased vehicle, and the anticipation of driving it around fill almost every driver with joy. For many Americans, owning a car means freedom. The ability to drive wherever you want, whenever you want to, is quite the definition of mobility. As such, it is no wonder that the average American…

A Declaration of Love

To love and be loved back is one of the greatest feelings one could ever experience in their lifetime. It comes to you unexpectedly, it is quiet yet grand – all at the same time. You thank the universe for letting you cross paths. It is almost magical and suddenly everything reminds you of them. Their voice becomes a symphony and the majority of love songs seem to resonate to…