
My Favorite Weapons in Star Wars



The Lightsaber, used by both Jedi and Sith, is the most iconic weapon from all of Star Wars. It comes in an array of colors: blue, green, white, red, purple, and black. My favorite lightsabers are those that are owned by Anakin Skywalker, Count Dooku, Darth Maul, Kylo Ren, and Yoda. This iconic weapon is now a legend.





Battle Droids


I’m not sure if you can consider battle droids as “weapons”, but I’m going to just because I love them! Battle droids were used in the Clone Wars by the Separatists, they were huge in numbers but not as effective as the clones. They came in a huge variety of models.




Seismic Charge


The seismic charge, used by the bounty hunter Jango Fett and then his son, Boba Fett, may be the most satisfying explosion you’ll ever hear, in either cinema or real life. This bomb is extremely dangerous and has decided the fate of many, almost including Obi Wan Kenobi.







Han Solo’s Blaster



Han Solo’s blaster may be the most iconic weapon from the Original Trilogy (except lightsabers, obviously). I picked this weapon as one of my favorites because I had a toy version of this gun as a child and I loved it to death. Han was also very fond of this blaster in the movies.