Ingredients List:
- unthawed frozen pie crust (store bought or homemade)
- chopped up bacon bits
- half cup diced onion
- shredded Swiss cheese
- shredded parmesan cheese
- 4 whole eggs
- 1 cup half and half
Cooking Directions:
- Place frozen pie crust on baking sheet
- Mix the bacon bits, onion, and cheese together and evenly spread along bottom of pie crust
- In a bowl, mix the eggs with half and half
- pour the mixture overtop of the cheese-bacon mixture.
- bake in preheated oven at 400 degrees for about 15 minutes, then reduce the heat to about 350 degrees (takes about 35 minutes at 350 degrees)
- continue baking until the quiche turns golden brown, or to your liking
- Once done you can eat it warm or store it in the fridge and eat it cool!
Recipe Courtesy of Dawn Egan, Easy Bacon and Cheese Quiche Recipe (allrecipes.com)