The lighthouse

The Lighthouse
The Lighthouse 2019


“The Lighthouse,” directed by Robert Eggers in 2019, is a psychological horror film set in the late 19th century. It revolves around two lighthouse keepers, Thomas Wake (Willem Dafoe) and Ephraim Winslow (Robert Pattinson), who are assigned to tend to a remote and desolate New England island lighthouse. As isolation, harsh weather, and mysterious events unfold, the two men grapple with their sanity, power dynamics, and the supernatural.

What I enjoy about the film:

The lighthouse for the most part is based on a true story. It is filmed in black and white which makes it so unique; the soundtrack also makes the film 10x better. As you watch your just thinking to yourself, how more insane can this movie get? and which person is going to kill each other first? The acting in this movie is phenomenal and the lengths each actor went to get into character is tremendous.


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