“Lord of War” is a 2005 crime drama film directed by Andrew Niccol, starring Nicolas Cage. The movie follows the life of Yuri Orlov, a Ukrainian-American arms dealer who becomes one of the world’s most successful and notorious international weapons suppliers. The film explores Yuri’s rise to power, the ethical dilemmas he faces in his morally ambiguous profession, and the consequences of his actions on both a personal and global scale. As Yuri navigates the dangerous and shadowy world of arms trafficking, the movie delves into the complexities of the international arms trade, and personal life.
What I like about this movie:
I did not now this until after watching but the events in this movie are based on a true story. Yuri Orlov was actually locked up in United States prison up until last year when we gave him back to the Russians in exchange for a wnba player. The storytelling the Nickolas cage acting is amazing, he adds the perfect amount of humor to the serious movie. I like how in depth they dive into his personal struggles such as with his kid and brother. The visuals in some of the war scenes and the construction of guns and bullets is so cool. The ending was done perfect, you either love it or hate it.