About Me – Sophia Naughton

A big part of my life is my two dogs, Terrance and Rexa. Terrance is a three-year-old Pit Bull mix. We honestly don’t know what Rexa is, but she looks like a black and brown kangaroo in my opinion (she has huuuuge ears). She is fifteen.

When I have the time, I love writing, reading books, and creating art. I have spent the last few years in college writing for The Towerlight, Towson’s newspaper. I covered the women’s lacrosse team in my freshman year and now I cover a wide range of topics and I am an assistant editor.

I love to travel and I wish I could travel more! Last summer, I visited New York City; Corolla, North Carolina; Fenwick Island, Delaware; Bethany Beach, Delaware; and Aspen, Colorado. One of my favorite hikes in Aspen that I went on while I was there is Thomas Lakes. It’s a little tricky at times, but once you make it to the top and jump in the lake, it’s worth it. My next destination is Miami this spring and Italy this summer. While I love city-life and the mountains, the beach is my favorite place. I want to live near the beach when I’m older, but I am trying to find my favorite one and I’m not sure I’ve found it yet.