The Moon sign represents how you relate to your environment, and how you feel and process your emotions. It also can guide your inner desires and wishes.
Here is a list of what the Moon implicates in each sign:
Moon in Aries – Impatient and impulsive. Possesses a great inner passion, and at times can be defensive. Often times, Lunar Ariens’ “wants” are so powerful that they become an absolute need.
Moon in Taurus – Resistant to change. Very romantic and vocal in their affections. Lunar Taureans tend to go out of their way to avoid unpredictable situations, crises, and emotional displays.
Moon in Gemini – Versatile, open to new ideas and sensations. Easily irritable, and snappy when provoked. Lunar Geminis may be especially comfortable talking about their feelings, but feeling their own feelings doesn’t come as easily.
Moon in Cancer – Sensitive to the feelings and moods of others. Long for security and appreciation. Cancer Moons can have a hard time compartmentalizing their lives, which may lead to irrationality.
Moon in Leo – Interested in creating and entertaining. Often feel a need to organize and control things in their life. Lunar Leos can be dramatic in their emotional displays, but always in private to protect their dignity and pride.
Moon in Virgo – Prefers to remain practical with their emotions. Lunar Virgos crave a steady routine, and they can become nervous and restless when it is deviated from.
Moon in Libra – Sympathetic and relationship oriented. Strong need for companionship. But Lunar Libras simply can’t help but see flaws in their relationships and their environment.
Moon in Scorpio – Need for transformation and rebirth. Strong fear of betrayal. Lunar Scorpios seem to attract emotional upheaval, and their lives appear to consist of plenty dramatic ups and downs.
Moon in Sagittarius – Strong need for freedom and space. Always looking to gain new knowledge, experiences, and mind-expanding ideas. Lunar Sagittarians don’t like to be caught up in a routine for too long, lest they feel caged in or cooped up.
Moon in Capricorn – Desire for structure and control. However turbulent their emotions may be under the surface, Lunar Capricorns keep cool-headed–and they come across as steady and reliable people.
Moon in Aquarius – Extremely observant, always wanting to analyze their surroundings and other people. Lunar Aquarians can come off as emotionally blocked, distant, and at times detached from denying themselves emotions they deem “irrational.”
Moon in Pisces – Remarkably compassionate. Solitude is important, but they also require human interaction, so their retreats are usually short-lived. Lunar Pisceans’ ability to empathize even in the absence of experience gives them an open mind and heart.
Sources: Moon in Signs: Aries – Virgo , Moon in Signs: Libra – Pisces