Welcome back everyone!

This week I wanted to do something a little different, but of course we are still talking health and fitness!

I am actually going on a road trip this week to Colorado which is super exciting! But the not-so-great thing about it is… I am going to be in the car all day long these next couple days. Including today, in fact I am typing this now in Streetsboro, Ohio because that’s where we decided to stop tonight. These past few weeks we were in the process of moving because my mom is moving to Colorado and I am coming along with her but only for a week or so for a vacation. Working out and eating healthy has not been the easiest thing to do being constantly on the move. Now being in a car all day has made things a little harder. That is why today I wanted to talk about some exciting things I have planned for Colorado! Plans that will keep me active like hiking but also some restaurants I would like to check out that offer some healthy options.

We would like to arrive in Denver, Colorado by Saturday so we’ll start doing some fun stuff most likely on Sunday. After doing a lot of research, I have discovered there are so many places I can go to within the Denver area to keep me active. I have been to Colorado before so I’m a little familiar with some things there.

This picture is from the last time I was in Colorado in 2017 when we went to Garden of the Gods which has a lot of different hiking trails. It was fun and still a great workout! On the Garden of the Gods website there is an article posted of just the different hiking trails it has to offer, and there are so many!

Colorado is known for what is has to offer in terms of the outdoors. There are so many cool places to choose from to go hike or even go for a walk or a run. I created a map of 10 different possible places I can go hiking! They are all basically around the Denver area, so it is still realistic to accomplish. Just because its “vacation” doesn’t mean I can’t do it!

After this past week of packing and moving stuff in and out and eating quick meals on the go I’m so ready for a fun vacation. Where I can still feel good about what I’m eating and the activities I’m doing. The next thing I looked at while doing some Colorado research were the restaurants! There are so many restaurants in Denver, of course, it is a city. Denver.eater.com has an article called, 18 Healthy Denver Restaurants to Energize You in 2021. The food looks amazing but also super healthy so it’s like killing two birds with one stone.

This past week I really fell off the wagon and I really want to get back on track this next week, even while being on vacation. It shouldn’t be hard if it’s fun!

That’s all I have for this week. Thanks for reading and wish me luck!