Welcome back to my last blog post!
I can’t believe it has already been four weeks, so crazy.
During these past few weeks, I feel like I actually did learn a lot! A lot about myself as well as the basics of health, food, and fitness. I learned that I really do enjoy fruits and vegetables, so I didn’t feel like I was forcing myself to eat them. I also learned that when it comes to losing weight it isn’t about fitness as much as it’s about what you are eating. Not only did I notice this for myself, but I have also seen this happen for others!
Carbs are the best thing ever… to eat until you see your body change for the worst from eating so many carbs. I did cut back a little on carbs and even though I did this over a few weeks I still felt like I noticed a little bit of a difference. The scale is telling me I lost a few pounds, so I’ll take it!
I feel a lot better about myself this summer compared to last summer. There is a noticeable difference in myself. Choosing to make healthier options these past few weeks has made me feel physically great!
I also went on a couple hikes while I have been out here in Colorado and some of them were a bit harder than others. But I really enjoyed them and of course a great work out. Being active a couple times a week has made me feel almost even more energized and less sluggish.
This journey for me won’t end and I want to continue to be healthier and more active. It’s normal to fall off the wagon a little because it’s normal to want to eat something bad every now and then. Like I said before, it’s all about doing things in moderation. I want to continue to make steps forward to living a healthier lifestyle to continue what I’m doing but maybe take it a step further!
Thanks for following along on this journey with me and until next time!