My journey to a healthier lifestyle has officially begun! My goal here isn’t to go crazy with my diet and workout everyday. I want to be realistic and still enjoy summer, but also just make healthier choices! That means more fruit, more vegetables and more of being active (because before I was active maybe once a month which is pretty bad). This past semester was a little overwhelming for me so that meant eating bad food late at night to help destress. And you would think I would have more free time during the summer, but I really don’t. So I am forcing myself to get it together. If I’m better to my body, my body will be better to me, therefore I’ll have more energy to do stuff!
My overall goal is to do something active 3-4 times a week. I’m not saying working out because I don’t always have time to do that, so as long as I’m staying active I’m happy with that. This could be walking, running, lifting, you get the gist. I want to make it enjoyable too because it’s way more fun that way!
In addition to being more active I would like to incorporate more healthy foods like fruits and vegetables to my diet like I said. Carbs are what kill me the most because I absolutely love carbs (pasta, pizza, anything that has bread is just great). My dad cut carbs and sugar as his new years resolution and has kept up with it since January so I would like to follow in his footsteps. Except I definitely am not completely cutting out carbs and sugar I just want to decrease my intake. I would like to lose maybe 10 pounds, nothing too crazy. I think by doing this I will feel better about myself as well because everyone deserves to feel good about themself! I want to find out what works for me and what doesn’t. It wont be super easy at first but I am ready for the commitment!
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