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History of Basketball

Basketball is a well known sport world wide for its competition and over fun to play. This sport was actually first made in 1891. This was made by a 31 year old graduate student named James Naismith. At this time football was a major sport yet many people got injured. He wanted a sport that could be played inside and would help prevent injurys. This is how he made up basketball. At the time the ball was made a little different than it is today but this was the blueprint of the sport basketball. James Naismith ended up publishing the University of Kansas basketball program. He didn’t just make the sport he got it into a University as a program. The first purposed basketballs were made from panels of leather stitched together with a rubber bladder inside. As of present day most basketballs are made from leather or rubber.


Fun Fact about Basketball

The Rim was made at 10 feet due to a custodian asking him not to make the hoop any higher. This custodian in a way made the basketball hoop size the way it is today!




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