The Capybara

General Facts
The Capybara (AKA Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris) Is the largest living rodent and also semiaquatic. It is native to South America and closely related to the Agouti, Chinchilla, and Nutria. The Capybara generally inhabits areas close to bodies of water in the savanna and dense forests. Capybaras usually travel in groups of 10-20 but can also be found alone.
Fun Facts
- Capybaras are Herbivores and eat mainly grass and aquatic plants
- They are generally picky eaters
- Their jaws do not move like ours, moving side to side instead of up and down
- They eat their own feces to fully digest their food. They also regurgitate and re-chew their food like cows
Why it’s my favorite
The Capybara is my favorite animal mostly because of its size and laid back nature. I was first introduced to it through a meme in 2020 and ever since then I’ve loved all things capybara related. I even have stickers on my phone and computer.