Red Panda

The Red PandaRed panda Laying on a log

General Facts

The Red Panda (AKA Ailurus fulgens) is a small mammal that is native to the Eastern Native Himalayas and Southern China. They are known for their climbing skills made possible by its flexible joints and semi retractable claws. It’s closely related to the raccoon, weasel, and skunk. It can be found in coniferous forests, temperate broadleaf, and mixed forests.

Fun Facts

  • Just like the Giant Panda, Red Pandas eat a lot of bamboo and prefer to live near steep slopes near lots of bamboo and water.
  • Red pandas usually prefer their own company in the wild.
  • Not so fun fact! Red Pandas are endangered due to poaching and habitat loss 🙁

Why it’s my favorite

The red panda became my favorite a while back because of how adorable it is. I’d always see pictures of them lounging around thought it was pretty cool. I also happened to see a funny video back when try not to laughs were a major thing

A Video Of A Red Panda Being Scared