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Types of Exercise

Cardiovascular Endurance, Strength, Flexibility are all forms of Training which can broken down into even more subcategories that leave a plethora of opportunity.

Cardiovascular Endurance: The use of exercise for a period of time at a easy to advanced level of intensity

Strength Training: Performed with resistance, dumbbells, barbell, bodyweight, machines, medicine balls, resistance bands in order to contract ones muscles to cause stimuli for growth

Flexibility: The ability to move joints through ranges of motion within a pain free zone to improve mobility and stress


  • Running, Swimming, Walking Cycling, Stair-climbing, Tabata, HIIT
  • Bodybuilding (Hypertrophy), Powerlifting, General Weightlifting, Rock Climbing, Strongman Training


In order to find and understand which one is for you is up to testing things out, try new things, group fitness classes, workout with family or friends, explore things on social media platforms. Just be careful on social media since it can have false information about many things. So looking for multiple resources and people can help solidify things that work and don’t.