Stress & Anxiety: These two can work-in combination with each other providing an unwanted feeling throughout part of ones life. Cortisol is developed in the body from stress and can lead to many different problems in the body such as: Headaches, High Blood Pressure, Fatigue, Immune System Problems, Irritability, Digestive Problems. Exercise allows for the body to be put under “good stress” that than can be used to develop skills to reduce the negative part of stress when it occurs. Ex. Sporting Events
Boosts Energy & Mood: With exercise, increased physiological adaptations within the body allow for increased blood flow, awareness, and alertness. Thus allowing cognitive benefits to be useful within school by improving brainpower, driving, early mornings. Self-Esteem can be improved because “feel good, play good.” This allows for someone to feel better about there abilities and performance. The main negative to this feeling can be the addiction to continue to exercise and receive this feeling since as time goes on it only improves or continues over time.
Dopamine & Endorphins: Dopamine is released within the brain which causes improved mood, decreased anxiety, improved performance, and motivation. Endorphins help to relieve pain through experiences and during exercise this occurs along with the release of dopamine providing the motivation and the ability to further push through challenges or barriers.
Depression: Is one of the most common mental heath conditions within the world and makes up about 8% (21 million) American Adults Each Year. Exercise has shown to lower and reduce the feeling of depression since it helps to release the endorphins which can make you feel good. Since exercise can provide improved self-esteem and healthier ways to cope with problems it allows for positive correlation to b drawn when looked at for its impact on depression.