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Anaerobic Training

Resistance Training is an Anaerobic Style of Training which means that oxygen isn’t necessary in order to provide a source of energy for the body. Meaning cells nd motions don’t require the ability of oxygen in order to perform movements since due to the short bursts that is found within this style of training. The opposite of this would be Aerobic Training such as long distance running. Mixing an Matching different form can be beneficial and fun to do in order to enjoy training/exercise

Key Points:

Proper ROM: ROM = Range of Motion – Going through the full range of motion for any exercise and understanding the cues, movement, and range of performing exercises is very important in seeing progression within your journey. Watching videos or people talking about this or learning from others can be really helpful for understanding. I have some “YouTube” Channels linked on the right hand side of people I would recommend for understanding parts of training.

Stimuli within Muscle: Muscles Perceived Signals from the Brain

DOMS: Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness is the soreness felt 24-48 hours after performing activities.

Volume = Reps x Sets: This develops the amount of volume you are producing, if tracked can show whether results or improving or if recovery is a problem. If recovery of exercise from DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness) is terrible than volume may be too high.

Consistency: Trying out and sticking to a routine is something the body loves. Sticking to a routine can allow the body to adapt and perform the adaptions it needs in order to illicit and produce change. Sticking to a program of training or same form as you go along for you can unless there is a problem or you are experiencing burnout.

*Burnout: Is due to overuse or training leading to the inability to recover leading to one feeling tired or lost motivation due to too much stress being put on the body without enough recovery or other external/internal problems.


Training Till Failure for Resistance Training?

One of the most common practices of pushing to the very last rep or until the muscle doesn’t want to perform anymore within a set. This has been shown to produce great results for those just starting or are moderate into training since it has been shown to produce more muscle. As you become more advanced overtime, it has been shown that training till failure doesn’t add more muscle (at least a significant amount is not produced for those that are advanced.)

Resistance Training can be done in a multitude of ways:

  • Hypertrophy
  • Strength
  • General


Hypertrophy: Exercise that produces stimuli’s to the muscles to illicit growth of the muscle by creating microtears which then recover and then cause the production of the new muscle. Predominantly done by Bodybuilders in order to produce maximum muscle gain.


Stimuli of the muscle means that the following should be completed as much as possible during training:

  1. High Frequency & Moderate Intensity (Ex. 25 Reps of Medium to Low Weight)
  2. Low Frequency & High Intensity (Ex. 3 Reps of Very Heavy Weight)
  3. Even Frequency & Moderate Intensity (Ex. 10 Reps of Moderately Heavy Weight)

Anything that is less than this may end leading to slower or little results.

Reps: Can be anywhere from 4-30 repetitions in order to illicit proper stimuli with relation to the weight being moved through proper range of motion

Rest Period: 30-90 seconds of rest has been shown to be optimal, but all in consideration of ones ability to recover enough to perform the following set.

A mix of Compound (Several Muscle Groups Ex. Squat, Bench, Deadlift), Unilateral (Singular Side Performs Movement Ex. Bicep Curl, Bulgarian Split Squats), and Bilateral movements (At Least Two Limbs Ex. Quad Extension, Triceps Extensions) done within exercises. This can be done with machines, free weights, resistance bands, medicine balls, or house hold items.


Strength & Power Training:

3-5 Rule: Applies that all of the following should be performed with anything from 3 to 5:

  • Sets
  • Reps
  • Frequency in Days of Training
  • Rest Time

Performing Exercises in order to improve strength can be done by first understanding what your 1-Rep Max is for compound exercises or any exercise you want to improve on in general. Then performing the 3-5 Rule across the board at 70% – 95% or that 1-Rep Max can all for progression.

Performing Exercises inĀ  order to improve power can be done by the incorporation of compound exercises and movements that work within the vertical plane, horizontal, and rotational ones.

Examples of 3-Plane Movements:

  • Vertical : bench Press, Box Jumps, Vertical Test, Squat, & Deadlift
  • Horizontal: Med-Ball Passes & Slams
  • Rotational: Cable Cross Body Swings