Ehlers Danlos Syndrome (EDS) is a connective tissue disorder. The protein defected in the connective tissue is collagen; defected collagen isn’t as strong as it should be (glue of the body). Symptoms include: skin hyperplasticity, hypermobility of joints, atrophic scarring, and fragility of blood vessels. Since the protein collagen makes up for 30% of the proteins the the human body, this syndrome impacts the ENTIRE body.
The condition is passed down in an autosomal dominate fashion meaning of a parent has EDS, their kids will most likely have it too. Other times a de nova mutation can occur. This type of mutation happens from an error in DNA replication before meiosis and is completely unrelated to inheritance from parents.
Background Knowledge for below: squares represent the dad and circles represent the mom. A filled in shape represents the dominate gene being discussed. An unshaded shape means they do not carry the dominate gene.