Piezogenic pedal papules: Fat lumps that are visible around the heel of the foot. The fat pad under the foot is not well held in place and herniates when put under pressure (like standing). This is usually painless and pretty unnoticeable if you are not looking for it.
Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome: Condition when an individual stands up from a lying down position, blood pools at the feet. The brain and heart there for loose blood volume and passing out can occur. The blood stays at the feet since the blood vessels are not constricting and pushing the blood to the heart and head. The heart puts extra effort into getting the blood up so the heart rate of the individual speeds up. This can look like a resting heart rate when laying down being 70 but when you stand up it can go up to 140 (in my personal experience).
Skin Features: Soft, stretchy, fragile skin. Easy brushing and slow wound healing are also common.
Joints: Ligaments are very unstable and stretchy so the joint is not held in place well. Dislocations and hyper-mobility are all due to the fragility of muscles and ligaments.