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How I got Diagnosed

I was always told I was “double jointed” and had low muscle tone. Between being diagnosed with IBS, POTS, and having frequent joint dislocations, I knew there was a bigger problem at hand. After many doctor appointments, I finally saw a geneticist. A list of physical deformities such as atrophic scarring, bicuspid uvula, piezogenic pedal papules, and velvet-like skin texture were noted and diagnosed. I’ve attached a link to the official diagnostic criteria below if these symptoms match people you may know or even yourself! I met the criteria and was officially diagnosed with EDS type 3 back in 2021. EDS type 3 is the most common form of EDS (13 different types) and also causes the least complications in older age.


Assessing Joint Hypermobility - The Ehlers Danlos Society
Test used in diagnosis of EDS
Acne Scars: Treatments for Every Type of Scarring | Sunday Edit
atrophic scarring
Treatment of velopharyngeal insufficiency in a patient with a submucous  cleft palate using a speech aid: the more treatment options, the better the  treatment results | Maxillofacial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery |
Bicuspid Uvula
Piezogenic papules - Wikipedia
Piezogenic Paupules in feet
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