Box Seat Insider with Kyle Johnson

Your spot for podcasting about sports

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What is Podcasting?

Welcome Back!

Before learning how to create a podcast, it is important to understand the basics. Up first, understanding the term “podcasting”. Podcasting is a much less crowded and competitive space than blogging, which makes now the perfect time to get started.

It is no secret that distributing content as audio or video files over the web has taken hold. It actually has done more than taken hold, it’s dominating the internet.  Podcasting allows for the distribution of information in the form of audio and video to an audience when they want it, where they want it and how they want it.

Podcasting is best described as “push” audio content. The “push” is to a target audience or “on-demand” listeners who want it. Another way to describe podcasting is, it is downloaded audio files intended for listening on the move. Podcasts show up (pushed) when new content is produced. If you’re a subscriber, you get the podcast right then. All you need is an iPod (or MP3 player of any kind) for listening which makes it easily accessible, convenient and fairly cheap.

Back in the day, it was considered revolutionary when listeners were able to take their music to the beach, the park or in their car, but that typically meant listening to whatever the radio stations were playing. Now, with podcasting, listeners can choose the programs they want to download from the web and listen whenever and wherever they want.

Podcasting is also good for businesses.  This medium allows companies to reach a wider audience and get their message out to more people. It’s also a great way to market business in an informative and engaging way. Many people have found great success using their podcasts to bring in new clients which has boosted company revenue like never before!

Just like in written and electronic communications, the content in a podcast is paramount.  Content has to be crafted with the listener in mind. The focus is not only on the listener’s interests but also their listening habits. It’s a known fact that a listener is not as attentive with recorded content than they are with live content.

To create valuable podcast content, you need to think like a radio producer. Radio producers are keenly aware that a listener can switch stations at a moment’s notice for any reason. That’s why it is important to concentrate on the entertainment value of programming, instantly and frequently. Additionally, people tend to be alone when listening and often change stations or turn the program off when not fulfilled, entertained, or informed. The content has to provide value. Engaging content will bring the listeners back for more.

More information about podcast content can be found here

Some Key Things to Remember:

Provide information of value. Value comes in the form of education, information, inspiration, motivation and entertainment.

Conversations work. Interviewing others who are close to the subject matter is important. Typically, one-person podcasts are less dynamic by definition. Dynamics sells content.

The 3 Ps of Podcasting are: promote, promote, promote. Encourage subscribers, sign-ups and raving fans with automatic and periodic updates. Post your podcast availability on your website (with a live link), mention it in your email signature and enlist in podcast directories, including iTunes and

For more information, check out this YouTube list I created

Check in next week for more valuable information. The journey into creating a  podcast is just beginning!


Hello and welcome!

This journey will be all about how to create a podcast. As a sports enthusiast, I love to talk about all things sports so what better way to do that then by creating a podcast just for that specific purpose.  Also many sports fans know watching a favorite sport on television sometimes just isn’t enough, especially if you aren’t able to enjoy it whenever or wherever you go. Enter the podcast.  Not only is podcasting a new and exciting medium poised to take off exponentially, but they are an effective, portable, convenient and intimate way to deliver and produce content.

I took an interest in podcasts last year after I became obsessed with following ESPN reporter, Adam Schefter on Twitter only to find out he also hosted his own podcast.  Once I started listening I couldn’t stop. Especially when I found out that Schefter is considered ESPN’s most prolific NFL news-breaker because of his rapid reporting style of staying on top of injuries, suspensions and signings. He essentially is the main news source for America’s most popular sport. How exciting?

In the process of diving into this dynamic medium, I hope to learn the basic skills necessary to create a podcast. The thought of creating and deploying a sports podcast that people find entertaining and want to come back to listen to, can be a bit overwhelming but if the “how to” process is presented in bite sized pieces, the end goal seems to be more realistic.

By the end of my journey, hopefully you can learn what’s needed to create your own podcast. I also hope the way the information will be presented will make the process of creating a podcast easier. By providing the guiding principles and including a breakdown of the steps in the process, you should acquire the skills and background knowledge to start making a podcast of your own. So join me on this journey as we learn to navigate this process together!

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