Nature Sites

Hierve el agua, Oaxaca Hierve el agua Oaxaca 02

  • The name “Hierve el Agua” translates to “the water boils”.The name refers to the bubbling springs that emerge from the rocks and create the appearance of boiling water. The water is not actually boiling. It is high in mineral content, giving it a milky appearance, and it flows over the edge of the cliffs, leaving behind mineral deposits that resemble frozen waterfalls.


The world's widest tree, perhaps

  • The widest tree in Oaxaca and one of the most famous trees in the world is the “Árbol del Tule”. This massive tree is a Montezuma cypress and is located in the town of Santa María del Tule, which is just east of Oaxaca City in the state of Oaxaca, Mexico.UNESCO World Heritage Site Monte Alban (Oaxaca)
  • Monte Albán is one of the most important archaeological sites in Mexico. It is located on a plateau overlooking the city of Oaxaca in the state of Oaxaca, southern Mexico.
  • The Monte Albán site has an on-site museum that displays a collection of artifacts during archaeological excavations. The museum provides additional context and information about the history and culture of the Zapotec people.

Monte alban oaxaca mask

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