Boiled Egg


  • Eggs
  • Ice
  • Water
  • Bowl


  1. If serving eggs cold, add 1 tray of ice cubes to a large bowl and fill with water.

    A blue bowl filled with water and ice cubes, making a water bath that will be used to cool down the hot, cooked eggs.
    Serious Eats / Eric Kleinberg
  2. Add 1 inch of water to a large pot. Place steamer insert inside, cover, and bring to a boil over high heat. Add eggs to steamer basket, cover, and continue cooking, 6 minutes for soft-boiled eggs or 12 minutes for hard-boiled.

    A two-image collage. The top image shows a metal steamed basket placed inside of a cream-colored dutch oven. The bottom image shows six eggs placed into the steamer basket.
    Serious Eats / Eric Kleinberg
  3. Serve immediately if serving hot. If serving cold, immediately place eggs in bowl of ice water and allow to cool for at least 15 minutes before peeling.

    The steamed eggs placed in the blue bowl containing the ice bath.
  4. To peel, first gently tap hard-boiled eggs all over to thoroughly crack the shell, then remove shell under a thin stream of running water. (The water helps get under the shell and lift it off the egg.A two-image collage. The top image shows one of the steamed eggs, cracked all over, placed on a stone background. The bottom image shows the egg being peeled by two hands underneath a thin stream of water.


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