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My Home Country Lebanon facts

Fun facts: Lebanon is home to six ski areas. Lebanon’s distinct topography makes it feasible to go swimming in the Mediterranean Sea in the afternoon and skiing in the morning. Football and basketball are two of the most popular sports in Lebanon when it comes to competition. Other popular recreational activities in Lebanon include swimming, sailing, caving, climbing, biking, rafting, and canoeing. Every autumn, the Beirut Marathon attracts elite runners from both outside and Lebanon.

Key statistics: Most people reside in and around Beirut, the capital; the Bekaa Valley, on the southeast side of the Lebanon Mountains, has drawn farmers due to its ideal growing conditions, and as a result, the area has a lower population density than other parts of the country. Most people live on or near the Mediterranean coast. 20,331,203 (estimated).

The official languages of Lebanon are Arabic, French, English, and Armenian.

Intersting Facts

1. It’s home to a great Roman ruin…

… Possibly the best outside Rome. The Baalbek Temple, or Temple of Bacchus, is one of the best-preserved and grandest Roman temple ruins in the world. Located in the Al-biqā (Bekaa Valley), the temple complex became a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1984.

The Roman Emporer Antoninus Pirus likely commissioned the temple in the second century AD, but there aren’t any records of the site until the Greek conquest in the 4th century. In the late nineteenth century, a German Expedition excavated two of the large temples and began restoring the site. Then, in the 1970s the Lebanese civil war broke out and the site became a stronghold for Palestinian and Syrian forces. Currently, it’s within the FCO’s no-go zone on the eastern border but this can change.

2. They like to smoke

According to the World Health Organization, Lebanon is ranked third in the world for the highest cigarette consumption per capita. The minimum age to smoke or purchase tobacco is 18 years and around 1.1 million over-18s currently smoke in the country. It may have banned smoking in enclosed public spaces, but the law enables hotels to allocate 20% of their capacity for smokers. The government also banned tobacco advertising in television, radio, print media, and point of sale in 2012. Since then smoking has decreased by 34.7%.

3. There are a lot of holidays

Lebanon has one of the highest rates of public holidays in the world. There are 16 public holidays in Lebanon – only India and Colombia take more with 18 each. Why so many? Like any institutional arrangement, public holidays maintain a balance between different sects. Most are religious, but Lebanon has 18 official sects and a political system based on a sectarian division of power.

So, religious sensitivities help explain why there are so many public holidays in Lebanon. For example, other countries get one Easter holiday, but Lebanon gets two to honour both the Orthodox and Catholic Christians. The same goes for Eid al-Fitr.

4. It was once French

Some claim that France’s relationship with Lebanon dates all the way back to the 13th century. Apparently, Louis IX committed protected the Maronites, a branch of Catholicism that is still the largest Christian denomination in Lebanon. Some say it started a little later though, in the 16th century, when François I formed an alliance with Suleiman the Magnificent, sultan of the Ottoman Empire.

What we know for certain is that by the end of the 19th century, French Jesuit missionaries created schools in Lebanon and in 1875 created a famous French-speaking university, Saint Joseph University. After World War One and under the terms of the 1916 Sykes-Picot agreement, France gained Lebanon. France created the constitution in 1926 for the Lebanese Republic and stayed until 1943 when the country gained independence.

Today around 23,000 French people in Lebanon and around 210,000 Lebanese people in France.



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