The Ministry of Education and Higher Education (MEHE) oversees education in Lebanon. The three primary languages taught in schools in Lebanon are Arabic, French, and/or English, starting in the early grades. All schools are required to teach mathematics and science in either French or English. Up until the age of 14, education is required.
In a 2013 World Economic Forum (WEF) report, science and mathematics were ranked fifth in Lebanon, while overall educational quality ranked 17th. The WEF conducted the survey as a component of its Global Competitiveness Report
Muhammad Faour, a nonresident senior associate at the Carnegie Middle East Center in Beirut, states that “this assessment significantly deviates from student achievement test results in all international tests in which Qatar and Lebanon have taken part.
Lebanon was ranked 13th in the world in mathematics and sciences by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). The results were compiled from a combination of international assessments, including the OECD’s Pisa tests, the TIMSS tests administered by US-based academics, and the TERCE tests in Latin America. Lebanon’s eighth-grade students performed significantly worse than the global average of 500 on the International Student Achievement Tests in Mathematics and Sciences (TIMSS) in 2007 and 2011. Lebanon received a math score of 449 in both 2007 and 201
Lebanon’s adult literacy rate was 97.9% in 2014 according to the UN Human Development Index, ranking it 65th globally.
The percentage of the population as a whole with at least some secondary education (aged 25 and above) is 75%. For the percentage of the female population with at least some secondary education, the figure drops to 3