True Spirit 2

The aftermath of the original poem True Spirit

Silent echoes remain
In this desolate space
Where joy has become a stain
In the absence of its grace.

The walls are now stained
With the blood of those who tried
To breach the tower’s domain
And to reach the other side.

The guards remain steadfast
In their duty to keep watch
Their emotions held in contrast
To the pain and grief they’ve wrought.

But beyond the tower’s walls
Lies a world without color
Where darkness steadily crawls
And hope is but a dull murmur.

The aftermath of this battle
Is a reminder of what’s at stake
That our emotions can rattle
The foundations of what we make.

So we must tread with care
As we navigate this path
And beware the weight we bear
In the aftermath of our wrath.


True Spirt

Created: Oct 24, 2019,
Last modified: Jan 26, 2022, 14:52


I think it’s there
I know it’s there
Behind a locked door
Inside a crystal ball.

All the emotions in the world
are In one room waiting to be released
No windows or secrete entrances
Just one entry with skeletal decor.

Four guards
Two at the door
And two on the stairs
No one can pass those two pairs

Bloodstains the walls
Their breath flows with no fall
Their emotion still their
But do you even care

At this moment you’re just another empty soul
No feeling to see that this hell is an actual reality