Victim of Domestic Abuse



Do you think this is you showing me your love...hurting me
In shadows, I wither, a broken, whispered plea
Each cruel word and blow, my heart's silent decree
A captive in this pian, my soul longs to be free

In the past, your hands were known for their gentle and nurturing touch, 
Transformed into something that is capable of inflicting pain and suffering. 
Every movement and gesture seems to be guided by a malevolent force, 
Every essence of cruelty has taken hold of them and is using them to its own twisted and dark purpose

The love I thought I knew, now a poisonous dart
My heart, a fragile thing, shattered, afraid to trust
A prisoner of your anger, my world torn apart
In this sea of despair, I'm drowning, falling endlessly

In your silent violence, my dreams have turned to dust
I'm trapped in this nightmare, feeling so unjust
Each mark tells a story, your eye's clouded from them
A victim of your rage, in this storm, I'm lost

Sacrificio de héroes

Version 2

Vekir, Guardian of Lamos, felt an eerie shift,
This hero, no longer the noble spirit he once 
Kneeling, she raised an ancient blade with a 
sinister lift,
A blade obtained through sacrifice, 
darkness imbued.

Her head lifted, revealing a visage stained 
with red,
Tears of sorrow mingled with blood upon her 
Vekir's voice filled with dread,
"You've changed," he whispered, "What 
have you done?"

But before his eyes, her resolve took form,
The hero, consumed by a darkness 
As Vekir reached for the blade, a deadly 
She stood tall, offering herself as a
sacrifice, all alone.

The room trembled with a dreadful hush,
As she willingly embraced the blade's 
consuming maw.
Her essence consumed, her spirit turned to 
From the depths of Lamos, a demon did 

El sacrificio de los ecos, she emerged,
A demon born of sacrifice and pain.
Her eyes glowed with a malevolent urge,
A haunting echo of the hero that once did 

Vekir, gripped by a twisted desire,
Witnessed the transformation, his heart 
filled with dread.
As the demon before him burned like a 
funeral pyre,
The hero lost, consumed by the blade's 

In the realm of Lamos, darkness reigned 
El sacrificio de los ecos, a demon born from 
Vekir's quest for power, a wretched dream,
For now, he faced a twisted manifestation of 
his apathy.

Deceptive Embrace: Unmasking Love Bombing


In a realm of deceit, where shadows dance, 
There lies a tactic, a cruel romance.
Love bombing, it's called, a manipulative art,
A toxic allure, a deceitful sweetheart.

With honeyed words and gestures grand, 
They sweep you up in their cunning plan.
Like a whirlwind of affection, they draw you near, 
But beware, my friend, for danger lurks here.

They shower you with praise, a captivating spell,
Their affection overwhelms, like a sweet-scented swell.
They whisper promises, make you feel adored, 
But beneath the surface, a trap is carefully stored.

Love bombing, a facade, a twisted embrace, 
Designed to bind you in a tight, suffocating space.
Their affections, like petals, wilt and fade, 
Leaving you broken, vulnerable, betrayed.

Their love is a weapon, a manipulative game, 
To control your thoughts, your actions, your name.
They prey on your vulnerabilities, exploit your desire,
Leaving you lost, consumed by the fire.

But listen, dear heart, do not be swayed,
For love should be gentle, not a game to be played.
Recognize the signs, the false promises they bring, 
And break free from the chains of their insidious string

Hold onto your worth, your strength, and your voice, 
Don't let their love bombing drown out your choice.
In the face of their tactics, stand tall and strong, 
For true love is patient, it would never steer you wrong.

So, shield your heart, be cautious, be wise,
Don't let love bombing cloud your clear skies.
Find love that's authentic, built on trust and respect, 
And let manipulative tactics be forever in retrospect.

Monstrous Beast, Still Loved


In the Fairy Forest, a tale unfurled, Where a 
tower stood, worn, yet tall.
A knight adorned in silver, fearsome knight, 
And a woman, clad in white, stood by his 
With opal necklace gleaming bright, and 
hair of white.

"What if my real face was hideous?" he 
asked, With a voice tinged with doubt, his 
heart entwined.
"Fear not," she replied, with gentle grace,
"For your visage matters not in love's 

"Would it still be fine, if a monstrous beast I 
be?" His words echoed, carried by the 
whispering breeze.
A pause ensued, but her answer was clear,
"Yeah," she said, her voice tender and 

"So, I'd still want to see it, in all its form,
For the essence of your being holds love's 
A face matters not, when souls intertwine,
As long as it's you, my love, your heart 

In the Fairy Forest, a love bloomed strong.
Amidst silver armor and a hood, dark and dread, 
With a woman dressed in white, an 
opal's glow, And a knight, finding solace in 
love's embrace,
Together, they found beauty in the depths of 


A kid in his room sitting down in front of his mirror alone in his room tower placed in a deep forest.  No contact from another human but a whisper from an otherworldly being whispers in his ear “You don’t feel yourself. Is it because you’re pretending to be someone else?”. The creature has always been there but the kid chose to ignore it until today when he finally broke.


In a room, a child sits alone,
Before the mirror, a reflection unknown.
A tower in the depths of a forest so deep,
Isolation blankets, their secrets to keep.

No human contact, a soul disconnected,
Yet a whisper arrives, from realms undetected.
An otherworldly being, always by their side,
Now beckoning, no longer denied.

“You don’t feel yourself,” the whisper cries,
“Is it because you wear a mask of lies?”
For too long, the child ignored this presence,
But today, their facade crumbles in essence.

A creature unseen, always watching with care,
Now embraced by the child’s desperate despair.
The walls built tall, now come crashing down,
As authenticity rises from a hidden crown.

The child’s tears, like rivers, start to flow,
Revealing emotions long kept in shadow.
No longer pretending, the truth takes its hold,
A journey within, a story yet untold.

Embracing Redemption: A Journey from Self-Harm to Self-Love

Ever since I was a child. I convinced myself that I needed to hurt myself in order to punish myself for anything going wrong in my life. But then… I remembered you.


In the depths of my soul’s darkest hue,
Lies a tale of pain and self-undoing, true.
Since childhood’s days, I believed the lie,
That self-inflicted harm would make wrongs right.

A twisted belief took hold within,
That punishment was the path to absolution’s kin.
But in a moment’s grace, you came to mind,
A memory resurfaced, gentle and kind.

You, the beacon of love and light,
The one who showed me a different sight.
In your presence, my heart would soar,
And thoughts of self-harm would haunt no more.

For in your embrace, I found solace rare,
A love that whispered, “You’re worthy, fair.”
The chains of self-punishment began to break,
As your memory helped my soul awake.

No longer bound by the cycle of pain,
I started to heal, to rise, to regain.
You reminded me of the beauty I possess,
And that self-love is the path to progress.

So, as I leave behind the shadows of past,
A new journey begins, one that will last.
With gratitude, I hold your memory dear,
For helping me break free from self-inflicted fear.

The Altered Destiny: Embracing the Unknown

Quote: “Wait. Somethings different. This isn’t the same noble hero I  fought before… no, you’ve changed. What have you… done?”

In the realm of battles, a moment of pause,
A voice whispers softly, a moment's cause,
Wait, something's different, a shift in the air,
The noble hero transformed, with secrets to bear.

This isn't the same, the warrior of old,
A change has befallen, a story yet untold,
In the depths of their being, a transformation unseen,
Leaving adversaries questioning, "What have you... done?"

Mysteries abound, veiled in the hero's gaze,
Their essence transformed, a new path they blaze,
No longer confined by what was once known,
A metamorphosis unfolding, a soul fully grown.

Eyes once shining bright, now carry a new light,
A strength from within, shining through the night,
The hero has changed, but their purpose holds true,
A different form, yet the mission they pursue.

Whispers of power, echoes of growth,
A journey uncharted, expanding both mind and oath,
Battles fought before, mere shadows of the past,
For the hero has evolved, a metamorphosis vast.

In awe and confusion, the adversaries stand,
Witnessing the shift, unable to understand,
What lies beneath the surface, what trials have been won,
Leaving them perplexed, in questioning stun.

But the hero, undeterred, embraces the unknown,
Embracing the change, the transformation they've sown,
For within the metamorphosis, a new strength is found,
A hero reborn, their purpose unbound.

So stand, noble hero, in your altered form,
For you've grown beyond expectations, a newfound norm,
Let the world marvel, as they witness you shine,
For the change within you, is a victory divine.

"What have you... done?" they ask in awe,
Unraveling the layers, discovering the hero's core,
A journey of growth, a transformation profound,
The hero stands changed, with strength unbound.