Love’s Dual Essence

Quote: “I only ever thought there were two kinds of love; the kind you’ll kill for, and the kind you’ll die for; but you my darling, you were the kind of love I would live for.”

In realms of love, where passions
Two archetypes emerge, distinct and
One, fierce and wild, ablaze in the heart,
A love so potent, it could tear worlds apart.

The kind you'd fight for, against all odds,
A love so fierce, it defies the gods.
A flame that consumes, with a fervent
Burning bright, setting souls afire.

Then there's the love that holds a hue different
a love where tenderness and grace shine
A love that whispers softly, like a gentle
A love that nurtures, outting souls at ease.

You, my darling, are a love of he latter kind,
A love that transcends, gentle and refined.
A love that grants life new purpose and
A love I'd choose to chrish, to love for on
this earth.

For in your eyes, a universe I find,
Where love's pure essence forever
With you, my dear, life blooms with delight,
A love that sustains, casting away the night.

No longer just kind to kill or die,
But a love that ignites the will to truly fly.
With you, my darling, love takes on new
A love that transcends, like a perfect storm.

So let us journey, hand in hand,
Embracing this love we've come to adore.
For you, my darling, are the love I'll live for,
A live that whispers of eternity's lore.