Guilt VS. Denial

Prompt: Denying Guilt

Purpose: Bleak

Prompt convo:
Xalu, God Of Hatred: Do you blame yourself?
Namos: What?
Xalu, God Of Hatred: Well, it's quite common in this situation for a person to feel some type of...Guilt.
Namos: What situation?
Xalu, God Of Hatred: The accident.

In shadows deep, where hatred resides,
Xalu, the God, with words he chides.
“Do you blame yourself?” he asks with glee,
As guilt’s heavy cloak engulfs me.

“What situation?” I question, confused,
His gaze, piercing and keen, I’m accused.
“The accident,” he whispers with spite,
A moment, a tragedy, lost in the night.

But I, with steadfast resolve, deny,
Unaware of his accusations awry.
“No accidents caused, no pain I’ve dealt,
Guilt’s burden upon me, I’ve never felt.”

Denial, my shield, he scoffs and sneers,
For guilt, he claims, brings despair and tears.
Yet I stand firm, innocence proclaimed,
No evidence shown, no truth defamed.

Innocent or guilty, truth I seek,
A mere pawn in his game, I won’t be meek.
Baseless accusations, I won’t abide,
Manipulation’s grasp, I’ll cast aside.

For guilt, unfounded, can’t break my soul,
I won’t succumb, I’ll remain whole.
Righteousness and truth shall guide my way,
Through darkness, I’ll find the light’s pure ray.

Xalu laughs, dark laughter echoes loud,
But I won’t bow beneath his shroud.
Guilt’s weight, I refuse to bear,
A burden unjust, I’ll never wear.

In pursuit of truth, my spirit shall rise,
Redemption and growth before my eyes.
Guilt’s grasp, I’ll resist with unwavering strength,
Embracing hope, embracing its length.

So, Xalu, your words shall not deceive,
In bleakness, my spirit won’t believe.
For I choose to embrace a different song,
Where resilience and truth shall make me strong.


Siblings’ Fiery Exchange

Prompt: Conversation between siblings

Prompt Conversation:

Shaati: (Grabs her sister by the color) And you dare call yourself human?!

Vylona: No, of course, I don’t. Neither should you (staring at her sister’s bloodied hands)

Shaati: Tch.

In the realm of sibling ties, emotions flare,
A fiery exchange, a tumultuous affair.
Shaati, with anger, grabs her sister's collar,
Questioning her humanity, causing the 
scene to holler.

Vylona, gazing at her sister's hands stained 
Responds calmly, refusing to bow her head.
"No, I don't claim such title, nor should you," 
she declares,
A reflection in her eyes, pain and concern 
she wears.

The grip tightens, tension hangs in the air,
Words thrown like arrows, sharp and unfair.
Shaati's discontent, a bitter sound, "Tch,"
A fleeting expression, a voice of dismissal to 

Within the bounds of blood, conflict unfolds,
In this tapestry of emotions, their story 
In the depths of their bond, a tempest roars,
A tale of kinship, tested by life's countless 

But beneath the surface, a love remains 
Though disagreements persist, it won't be 
For siblings to find solace, forgiveness to 
In the realm of compassion, unity they'll 

For the ties that bind, no storm can sever,
Through clashes and chaos, their bond will 
In the ebb and flow of life's relentless tide,
Their siblinghood endures, standing side by 

So let the words fade, let the anger 
In the space between them, understanding 
For in the tapestry of siblings' fierce 
Love's gentle thread weaves the ultimate 

Passionate Love’s Delica

1st version.

Prompt: Conversation between a couple:

Prompt Convo:

Itreya: (unfazed) Don’t get to fucking confident. You don’t wanna be treated like your ex did you right?

Zenim: (Truma Relapse).

Itreya: (Approving smile) That’s right go back to being the little submissive man I love.

In the realm of whispers, a couple engaged,
Itreya spoke, unyielding, unfazed.
"Don't grow too confident, my dear," she 
"Remember your ex's treatment, it's not what 
you craved."

Zenim, in a moment, a relapse of trauma,
The wounds reopened, sorrowful drama.
Yet Itreya's smile, approving and grand,
Brought solace and comfort, like a loving 

Back to being the little submissive man,
Zenim returned, as Itreya's grand plan.
For in their dance, a delicate balance above,
Their love, their power, intertwined like a 

2nd version.
Prompt Convo:

Zenim: (Unfazed) Don’t let your womanly emotions consume you. You don’t wanna end up like your mother now do you?

Itreya: (Truma Relapse) I’m not her…

Zenim: (Approving smile) That’s right go back to being the little submissive woman I love.

Amidst the murmurs, a couple stood strong,
Zenim's words resolute, unyielding, not 
"Don't let emotions consume you, my love," 
he dared,
"Like your mother's fate, be aware, be 

Itreya, caught in a moment, a relapse of old,
A specter from past, her heart's core, 
Yet Zenim's smile, approving and true,
Ignited a flame, as love often will do.

Back to being the little submissive woman,
Itreya returned, her spirit still human.
For in their union, a dance of their own,
Strength and vulnerability, in harmonious 

Two versions, two stories, love's intricate 
Expressed through words, a delicate part.
For in their conversations, echoes of pain,
And in their connection, a love to sustain.


Transforming Ancient Souls

In a realm of whispers and shadows deep,
Where immortality’s secrets did quietly seep,
Two souls clashed in a fateful night,
Demetri and Mariana, their paths alight.

Demetri, with anger etched upon his face,
Declared his age, a thousand years’ embrace,
“Kill me not, for I am beyond death’s claim,
An ancient being, bound by eternal flame!”

Mariana, eyes ablaze with fervent zeal,
Sought not to harm, but a chance to heal,
With voice soft and resolute, she replied,
“But we can change you, let your old self subside.”

The air grew tense, their gazes locked,
Demetri’s heart, in ancient pain, was blocked,
He scoffed, his voice a rumble in the dark,
“You speak of change, a frivolous remark!”

“Through centuries I’ve wandered, burdened with time,
Seeking solace, a purpose I could never find,
What can you offer, mortal soul so frail,
To make me surrender, my immortal tale?”

Mariana, undeterred by Demetri’s scorn,
Unveiled a vision, a future yet unborn,
“We offer love, compassion, and redemption’s grace,
A chance to rediscover, to embrace a different pace.”

She spoke of hope, of shedding the weight,
Of lifetimes lived, and memories innate,
“Your ancient essence need not be destroyed,
But transformed, reborn, in light’s brilliant void.”

Demetri, his anger softened by her plea,
Felt a stirring, a longing deep within to see,
What lay beyond his age-old existence,
A chance to break free, embrace resistance.

The thousand-year-old, now humbled and still,
Contemplated the power of Mariana’s will,
For in her words, he glimpsed a flicker of truth,
A glimpse of rebirth, a chance to recoup.

Their eyes met, bridging the gap of divide,
Demetri pondered, his ancient soul untied,
And with a sigh, he finally let go,
Embracing change, a new path to sow.

The night bore witness to a transformation grand,
As Demetri and Mariana, hand in hand,
Embarked on a journey, together to explore,
The boundless horizons of life’s grandeur.

For age is but a number, a mere guise,
And in the face of change, we can truly rise,
Demetri, once trapped, now danced with glee,
A thousand years old, reborn and finally free.

Telstra’s Resolve

“What are you doing? Why are you still holding…back?! Have you forgotten what they said to us? What they did? They think you’re a monster!! Prove them RIGHT!!!”

Telstra Spinx

In a moment of tempestuous plight,
Telstra’s powers flicker, a dormant might,
“What are you doing? Why hold back the flame?
Have you forgotten their words, their cruel game?

They label you a monster, an abhorrent sight,
But their ignorance blinds them from your true light.
Unleash the fury that dwells deep within,
Prove them right, let the storm begin!

For they know not the strength you possess,
The resilience within, the power to impress.
Rise, oh Telstra, embrace your might,
Unleash your essence, ignite the night!

No more shall their judgment chain you down,
No longer will you wear society’s frown.
With defiance as your guide, your spirit alight,
Prove them right, let your powers take flight!

Break the shackles, set your soul free,
Embrace the monster they claim you to be.
In your flames, their doubts shall ignite,
A testament to the power they failed to sight.

Oh Telstra, let their whispers fade,
Your destiny awaits, in darkness you wade.
Prove them right, let your strength unfurl,
For within your heart, an extraordinary world.”