Embracing Redemption: A Journey from Self-Harm to Self-Love

Ever since I was a child. I convinced myself that I needed to hurt myself in order to punish myself for anything going wrong in my life. But then… I remembered you.


In the depths of my soul’s darkest hue,
Lies a tale of pain and self-undoing, true.
Since childhood’s days, I believed the lie,
That self-inflicted harm would make wrongs right.

A twisted belief took hold within,
That punishment was the path to absolution’s kin.
But in a moment’s grace, you came to mind,
A memory resurfaced, gentle and kind.

You, the beacon of love and light,
The one who showed me a different sight.
In your presence, my heart would soar,
And thoughts of self-harm would haunt no more.

For in your embrace, I found solace rare,
A love that whispered, “You’re worthy, fair.”
The chains of self-punishment began to break,
As your memory helped my soul awake.

No longer bound by the cycle of pain,
I started to heal, to rise, to regain.
You reminded me of the beauty I possess,
And that self-love is the path to progress.

So, as I leave behind the shadows of past,
A new journey begins, one that will last.
With gratitude, I hold your memory dear,
For helping me break free from self-inflicted fear.

Immortal Warden


Prompt: The Immortal Warden

Oh, my misguided friend, make no mistake. This is no mere episode of corruption of my eternal conviction. I shall find no solace until I find my enemies writhing in agonizing pain beneath the pressure of my blade, begging for mercy amongst the bodies of their fallen brothers, regretting and ruining the day in which they crossed me. Which I shall deny them such mercy as death.


In shadows deep, where darkness dwells,
A figure stern, the immortal Warden, tells
Of battles fought with fiery might,
And enemies crushed in eternal night.

Oh, my misguided friend, he cries,
This corruption breeds no compromise.
With unwavering conviction, he stands tall,
Vowing vengeance, to make them fall.

No solace sought, no respite found,
Until his foes lie broken on the ground.
Beneath his blade, in pain they writhe,
their final Breaths, the price of their strive.

Begging for mercy, they'll tremble, they'll
Yet his heart of steel will pay no heed.
Amidst the fallen, their brothers lost,
Regret will consume them, a bitter cost.

For they dared to cross his righteous path,
Invoking the wrath pf this immortal's wrath.
No mercy granted, no release from life,
They'll taste the bitter edge of his strife.

Oh. Immortal Warden, relentless and true,
Your vengeance burns with a crimson hue.
Through battles waged, your legend's born,
A symphony of anguish, your enemies torn.

In the annals of time, your name shall be 
A mythic figure, with songs forever young.
For you are the guardian, unyielding,
Forever marked, by the vengeance you've

Court Ruling

Prompt: Court Ruling

Prompt Conversation:

Keeta: Forget the trial. We should just execute them.

Isa: No!! I want to hear them make their case. I want them to think of what we might do to them. Because I want to do something worse.

In the realm of justice, passions ignite,
Where minds clash and shadows take their 
Keeta cries for swift execution's might,
While Isa yearns for a tale in the court's 

"Forgo the trial," Keeta boldly declares,
Impatient, seeking justice unawares.
"Let's cast aside their pleas, their feeble 
And render retribution without refrains."

But Isa's heart, in darkness, takes its stand,
A deeper purpose she holds in her hand.
"I yearn to hear them speak, to bear their 
For justice lies in knowing what they see."

"I want them to think of what we might do,
To ponder their fate, their actions undue.
For in their fears, they'll feel our wrath take 
A punishment surpassing darkest night."

The court convenes, the stage set for the 
A symphony of justice in disarray.
Defendant and accuser face each other,
As the echoes of their sins start to smother.

The accused, with trembling voices, 
Their pleas for mercy mingling with 
They recount their tale, a dance of despair,
Hoping for clemency, a chance to repair.

Keeta's eyes blaze with anger and disdain,
Each word fueling her desire to maim.
But Isa's gaze holds secrets, unseen power,
Her thirst for vengeance, growing by the 

The evidence laid bare, the arguments 
The court must decide, no matter the cost.
Keeta, consumed by fury, pleads her case,
While Isa, silent, wears a stoic face.

The judges deliberate, the hour draws near,
And the weight of their verdict, full of fear.
Keeta dreams of bloodshed, swift and 
While Isa's vengeance whispers, crystal 

The ruling is rendered, justice's decree,
A balance of mercy and cruelty we see.
Keeta, disappointed, her anger unmet,
While Isa's vengeance deepens, a darker 

In the realm of justice, passions collide,
And the echoes of punishment still reside.
Keeta and Isa, forever entwined,
A testament to the complexity of the mind.

For in their hearts, a longing to find peace,
But divergent paths dictate their release.
And as the court adjourns, their souls 
A testament to justice's delicate twist.