Sacrificio de héroes

Version 2

Vekir, Guardian of Lamos, felt an eerie shift,
This hero, no longer the noble spirit he once 
Kneeling, she raised an ancient blade with a 
sinister lift,
A blade obtained through sacrifice, 
darkness imbued.

Her head lifted, revealing a visage stained 
with red,
Tears of sorrow mingled with blood upon her 
Vekir's voice filled with dread,
"You've changed," he whispered, "What 
have you done?"

But before his eyes, her resolve took form,
The hero, consumed by a darkness 
As Vekir reached for the blade, a deadly 
She stood tall, offering herself as a
sacrifice, all alone.

The room trembled with a dreadful hush,
As she willingly embraced the blade's 
consuming maw.
Her essence consumed, her spirit turned to 
From the depths of Lamos, a demon did 

El sacrificio de los ecos, she emerged,
A demon born of sacrifice and pain.
Her eyes glowed with a malevolent urge,
A haunting echo of the hero that once did 

Vekir, gripped by a twisted desire,
Witnessed the transformation, his heart 
filled with dread.
As the demon before him burned like a 
funeral pyre,
The hero lost, consumed by the blade's 

In the realm of Lamos, darkness reigned 
El sacrificio de los ecos, a demon born from 
Vekir's quest for power, a wretched dream,
For now, he faced a twisted manifestation of 
his apathy.




In a realm where knowledge weaves its threads, 
Instructor Lumen to Vunar Lexos gently treads,
Teaching the art of manipulation's finesse,
A subtle dance where truth may acquiesce.

A whisper shared, a secret to unveil,
To make others divulge, their words prevail,
With isopraxism's cunning guise,
Inquirer's guise, truth shall arise.

"If you want to know secrets concealed,
Listen closely, let your senses yield,
Repeat their words with inquisitive grace,
Inquire anew, in this art embrace."

For in the echo of a sentence rephrased, 
Like a question's allure, subtly raised,
The listener unknowingly reveals,
Information concealed, like secrets unsealed.

Through linguistic dance, minds intertwine,
As Lumen's wisdom unravels the design, 
Isopraxism, the unspoken key,
Unveils the truth, sets the deceiver free.

So let us learn, in this intriguing sphere, 
To manipulate gently, without undue fear, 
For knowledge and power entwined in art, 
Can shape a destiny, in every heart.

Skin’s Veiled Vengeance

Shyeli: A man once told me to put on some clothes (menacing laugh)….So I wore his skin.


In the realm of shadows, where fears reside,
A chilling tale takes shape, where darkness hides.
A man, with arrogance, dared to berate,
Unleashing a venom that sealed his own fate.

“Put on some clothes,” his words unkind,
But little did he know what lay behind.
Shyeli, the enigma, with her eerie art,
Embraced his challenge, tearing his world apart.

She shed her gentle guise, a sinister ruse,
Slipping into darkness, where evil accrues.
With whispered laughter, she sought to amend,
Wearing his skin, a means to transcend.

The man’s visage became her twisted attire,
A macabre costume that fueled her fire.
She donned his essence, his identity lost,
A haunting transformation, at a dire cost.

Through the moonlit nights, she would roam,
Cloaked in the guise of the man she called home.
A chilling reminder of her vengeance uncurled,
As she taunted the wicked, making them unfurl.

Beware those who judge, with scornful intent,
For Shyeli lurks, her presence unbent.
She wears the skins of those who disdain,
Extracting retribution, their own sins to gain.

In the end, the man’s words came full circle,
A haunting echo, his fate now eternal.
For Shyeli, the avenger, remains in the fray,
A reminder that darkness will always find its way.

So heed this warning, as the night draws near,
Tread carefully, for Shyeli’s presence is clear.
Her tale of vengeance, in shadows it gleams,
A chilling reminder of the power of dreams.

Unbeatable Insanity’s Me

Prompt: (Female) Veratine, Goddess Of The Insane

Prompt statement:

“I’m unbeatable. I can’t be beaten. My insanity makes such things impossible. You can condemn me. You can damage me. (menacing smile as the blood drip from her eyes) You never ever going to beat me.”

In realms untamed, where darkness dwells,
There reigns a goddess, Veratine she tells,
A tempest wild, her mind’s domain,
Unleashing madness, driving mortals

With maddened laughter, her voice does
A symphony of chaos, an unholy hymn she
Her presence fierce, a tempestuous storm,
Defying reason, defying all norms.

“I’m unbeatable,” she proclaims with pride,
A twisted grin, blood tears she cannot hide,
Her sanity shattered, a shattered glass,
She revels in madness, her dominion to

Condemn her, wound her, try as you may,
Her spirit untamed, it refuses to sway,
For insanity is her armor, her shield,
In its depths, her power concealed.

With every step, she dances on the edge,
Where darkness and light forever pledge,
A malevolent force, she weaves her art,
Binding souls, tearing worlds apart.

Beware, mortals, when her gaze meets
Her eyes aflame, a madness that endures,
For in her realm, your reason will fray,
Lost in her labyrinth, forever to stay.

She dares you to challenge, to face her
Yet victory eludes, vanishing from sight,
For her insanity, a cloak so profound,
In its depths, true strength is found.

So, tremble in awe, before her divine,
Veratine, the goddess, her essence malign,
For she cannot be beaten, she cannot be
In her chaotic realm, her power remains

Darkness Defied

Prompt: Monologue

Bictan God of Death: Fall. You are alone, child. There is only Darkness you…And only DEATH to your people. I will command a Great and terrible Army. And we will Sail until every light has been extinguished. You are strong Child. But I am beyond Strength. I AM THE END!!


In shadows deep, where darkness thrives,
Bictan God of Death arrives,
His voice a tempest, fierce and loud,
A monologue that strikes, unbowed.

“Fall,” he whispers, to the weary soul,
Alone, adrift, in darkness’ control,
No ray of hope, no glimmer bright,
Only death’s grip, a fearsome blight.

He claims dominion, over the land,
Commanding armies at his command,
A great and terrible force unleashed,
To snuff out every light, a feast.

But child, fear not, for you are strong,
In the face of darkness, you belong,
Though he may boast, beyond all might,
You hold the power, burning bright.

The end he claims, an empty guise,
For you possess what never dies,
A spark within, a soul aflame,
Against his wrath, you’ll stake your claim.

This monologue of doom and dread,
Shall be transformed to verse instead,
In poetry’s embrace, a glimmer found,
Defying darkness, love profound.

So let him sail, with all his might,
For in your heart, a guiding light,
His grandest plans, they shall not rend,
As long as love’s anthem, you defend.