The Wolf with Hollowed Fangs: Mylo’s Tale

Created: April 1, 2023


The Ethiopian Wolf, Mylo by name,
Strides with confidence and untamed grace.
His eyes a mix of burgundy and green,
Sharp senses honed, he’s a hunter supreme.

Born in the Kingdom of Cloudy Lavaossa,
His origins hidden, his story untold.
His hobbies, likes, and dislikes unknown,
Mysterious, he stands apart, alone.

With his sister, Aster Redwood, he’s close,
Their bond unbreakable, a sight to behold.
But his romantic life remains obscure,
A solitary wolf, his heart demure.

Mylo’s abilities are a sight to see,
Resilience, adaptability, hunting prowess so free.
His Hollowed Fang delivers a bite so strong,
A force to reckon, a skill he’s honed so long.

Keen senses, he detects dangers in the wild,
Communication and danger sense, he’s skilled.
Mylo, the wolf, a formidable foe,
With skills and abilities that set him aglow.