Darkness Defied

Prompt: Monologue

Bictan God of Death: Fall. You are alone, child. There is only Darkness you…And only DEATH to your people. I will command a Great and terrible Army. And we will Sail until every light has been extinguished. You are strong Child. But I am beyond Strength. I AM THE END!!


In shadows deep, where darkness thrives,
Bictan God of Death arrives,
His voice a tempest, fierce and loud,
A monologue that strikes, unbowed.

“Fall,” he whispers, to the weary soul,
Alone, adrift, in darkness’ control,
No ray of hope, no glimmer bright,
Only death’s grip, a fearsome blight.

He claims dominion, over the land,
Commanding armies at his command,
A great and terrible force unleashed,
To snuff out every light, a feast.

But child, fear not, for you are strong,
In the face of darkness, you belong,
Though he may boast, beyond all might,
You hold the power, burning bright.

The end he claims, an empty guise,
For you possess what never dies,
A spark within, a soul aflame,
Against his wrath, you’ll stake your claim.

This monologue of doom and dread,
Shall be transformed to verse instead,
In poetry’s embrace, a glimmer found,
Defying darkness, love profound.

So let him sail, with all his might,
For in your heart, a guiding light,
His grandest plans, they shall not rend,
As long as love’s anthem, you defend.