Victim of DA-Gaslighting



Why are you trying to make me seem crazy,
With every word and gesture, sly and hazy?
You twist the truth and distort the facts,
In this gaslit world, I struggle to relax.

You undermine my thoughts, my feelings, my worth,
A victim of your gaslighting since my birth.
But I won't let your deceit define my fate,
I'll reclaim my truth and break free from this state.

I'll hold on to my sanity, thought you try to steal,
In this poem, my strength and resolve, I'll reveal.
No longer your pawn, I'll break these chains,
In the face of your lies, my spirit remains.

Through the webs of deceit, I tread the road,
In the shadows of Manipulation, my truth untold.
With every lie, a story unfolds,
In this gaslit world, my spirit, they'd behold. 

Le Lien Tordu de Dévotion

In the shadows, where darkness thrives,
A twisted devotion cunningly contrives.
A manipulative dance of false affection,
A masquerade of love's cruel deception.

They offer devotion, like a radiant light,
Their words enchanting, their gestures 
With honeyed promises and fervent desire,
They stoke the flames of an inner fire.

But beware the depths of their twisted 
For it's built on lies and hidden emotion.
They feign a love so pure, so deep,
Yet their intentions are far from what they 

They pull you close with tender embrace, 
Whispering sweet nothings, weaving their 
But their devotion is a web of control,
Designed to bind and take a toll.

In moments of affection, they hold you tight, 
But darkness lurks beneath their gleaming 
They manipulate emotions, your heart they 
As you yearn for their love, longing to 

Yet their devotion is a poisoned fruit,
A facade that hides their deceptive pursuit.
They wield it as a weapon, a cunning guise,
To keep you captive, under their lies.

Savoring Forbidden Whispers

In the realm of flavors, let our story begin,
Where food becomes a language, a sensual hymn.
Romance simmering in pots and pans,
As forbidden love ignites with tender hands.

In the kitchen’s embrace, secrets softly reside,
Whispered among spices, love’s secrets to confide.
Ingredients blend, like souls entwined,
A recipe for passion, clandestine and kind.

Lies, like garnishes, embellish the tale,
Layers of deceit, a flavor that prevails.
Sweet deceptions on a plate of desires,
Adding depth to the feast that love inspires.

Inner struggles simmer, like a slow-cooked stew,
Conflicting emotions, battling through.
A clash of longings, a tug-of-war within,
Seasoning the journey where forbidden love begins.

Melancholic undertones grace each bite,
A taste of longing, hidden from sight.
Bittersweet moments linger in the air,
As hearts wrestle with a love that’s unfair.

Let food be the canvas, the medium to express,
The essence of a love that’s both chaos and finesse.
Every morsel consumed, a secret rendezvous,
A forbidden banquet, known to just a few.

Through flavors and textures, emotions intertwine,
The sensuality of taste, a bridge through time.
Food becomes the vessel for their hidden vows,
A feast of passion, savored in silent vows.

And in this culinary tale, let love prevail,
Defying boundaries, like a forbidden tale.
For food, like love, transcends societal walls,
Uniting souls, where authenticity calls.

So let us feast on this poetic cuisine,
Where food and love entwine, a perfect dream.
A symphony of flavors, emotions intertwined,
A nourishment for the heart, eternally entwined.

Fractured Facades: A Heart’s Desalinization

In shadows cast, a tale now weaves,
Of shattered hopes and love's decieves,
A girl, wounded, her heart betrayed,
By a promise she thought would never

She offered her affection, open and true,
But he denied her, a painful residue,
A promise made, to stay as friends,
Yet it brought torment that never mends.

Resentment brewed, a venomous brew,
Within her heart, emotions askew,
She spun a web of bitter disdain,
To hide her love, now drowned in pain.

Her words like daggers, sharp and cold,
Lies she whispered, her true thoughts
She painted him with shades of disdain,
A fragile heart seeking to shift blame.

In her dark corners, anger thrived,
Fanning the flames of loved deprived,
She despised his choice, his distant gaze,
Yet silently yearned for his loving embrace.

But as she weaved her intricate lies,
The truth within her slowly dies,
For deceit cannot quell a wounded soul,
Nor fill the void where love once stole.

In the depths of her despair and spite,
She found no solace, no respite,
For love denied and promises kept,
Left her shattered, alone, and bereft.

Oh, bitter fate, with its cruel game,
Where hearts collide and break in shame,
No happy ending shall grace this tale, 
Just echoes of love, doomed to fail.

So let her linger in her disdain,
A girl lost in love's cruel reign,
For sometimes pain has no release,
And bitter hearts find no lasting peace. 

Susurrat in umbra: Narratio de proditione et deceptione

In shadows deep, a plot was hatched
Deception, lies, and fear were matched
My ex, a girl with secrets dark
Used a friend close, to leave her mark

A betrayal so dark, it chilled the bone
As secrets whispered, were left unknown
My friend, acting like all was fine
Concealed the truth, the ultimate crime

The girl I loved, so close to me
Used her friend, as a tool to see
How much pain, she could inflict
As I stood alone, my heart was tricked

Lies, so many, it’s hard to count
Betrayal, a wound that will not mount
My friend, a shadow of her past
Used as a pawn, her loyalty didn’t last

Secrecy, the weapon of choice
As trust was broken, and love destroyed
Bleak and dark, my world did turn
As I was left to slowly burn

My ex, a master of manipulation
A puppeteer of human creation
My friend, a pawn in her game
As my heart was left in shame

In shadows deep, the truth was found
As my world came tumbling down
Betrayal, lies, and secrets dark
Left me alone, with a broken heart.

Eternal Sentinel

Uneka calls out to Ishnol,
As he walks away, without control.
Leaving her behind, once again,
Without a word, or a thought to spend.

But then, she grabs him by the arm,
And he turns, with his eyes alarmed.
Black and white, with a Nordic sign,
A sight that makes her heart decline.

Ishnol speaks of immortality,
A curse that brings him agony,
Endless pain, and suffering,
A life that’s never-ending.

He’s seen things he wishes he hadn’t,
And his soul has been broken and battered.
He can’t be attached to anyone,
For they will die, while he lives on.

He’s been betrayed and held captive,
His gift a curse, that’s so massive.
Uneka tries to understand,
But he’s too broken to take her hand.

He tells her that immortality is a curse,
A fate worse than death, that’s adverse.
A reminder of one’s own insignificance,
In a universe that’s cruel and indifferent.

So Uneka learns from Ishnol’s pain,
And she’ll never see immortality the same.
For his words are a warning, a call,
To never seek what’s not worth it all.

Secrets, Lies, and Love: A Friendship Survived

She thought she knew her friends so well,
But the lies they told made her heart swell.
She had no clue what they were up to,
The secrets they kept made her feel so blue.

Her friend group full of guys she thought she knew,
But their actions, she realized, were far from true.
One day she saw one in a sling,
Her heart dropped, a sickening feeling.

She went to talk to the one who knew,
The main contributor to what they would do.
She screamed and cursed, betrayed and bleak,
For their secrets and lies had made her weak.

She couldn’t believe they’d kept her in the dark,
Their disregard for their own safety, she found stark.
But through her anger, she showed her love,
For her friends she’d go to the ends of the earth and above.

In the end, they apologized for their ways,
For the lies and secrets they kept in a maze.
They realized they were lucky to still be here,
And promised to be truthful, that much was clear.

Though they almost lost their lives in their pursuit,
Their friendship grew stronger, a solid repute.
The lies and secrecy, now a thing of the past,
Their bond unbreakable, forever to last.

The girl with her friend group full of guys,
Realized the importance of seeing through lies.
Her love for them kept them all together,
Through betrayal and secrets, they’d brave any weather.