
A kid in his room sitting down in front of his mirror alone in his room tower placed in a deep forest.  No contact from another human but a whisper from an otherworldly being whispers in his ear “You don’t feel yourself. Is it because you’re pretending to be someone else?”. The creature has always been there but the kid chose to ignore it until today when he finally broke.


In a room, a child sits alone,
Before the mirror, a reflection unknown.
A tower in the depths of a forest so deep,
Isolation blankets, their secrets to keep.

No human contact, a soul disconnected,
Yet a whisper arrives, from realms undetected.
An otherworldly being, always by their side,
Now beckoning, no longer denied.

“You don’t feel yourself,” the whisper cries,
“Is it because you wear a mask of lies?”
For too long, the child ignored this presence,
But today, their facade crumbles in essence.

A creature unseen, always watching with care,
Now embraced by the child’s desperate despair.
The walls built tall, now come crashing down,
As authenticity rises from a hidden crown.

The child’s tears, like rivers, start to flow,
Revealing emotions long kept in shadow.
No longer pretending, the truth takes its hold,
A journey within, a story yet untold.