What Once Was

Poem request by London: She gave the first line.

What happened to the good times?
The sun once shone so bright,
Its golden rays a gentle rhyme
That chased away the night.

The flowers bloomed in brilliant hues,
Their petals soft and kind,
And every breeze that gently blew
Brought fragrant peace of mind.

The world was full of wondrous things,
Like birds that sang with glee,
And laughter, like a pair of wings,
Set our hearts and sprites free.

But now it seems the world has
The sun obscured by clouds,
The flowers wilted and deranged,
Their beauty lost in shrouds.

The birds no longer sing their songs,
Their melodies now hushed,
And laughter, once a source of
Has turned to tears, so crushed.

Yet even in this darkest hour,
A glimmer still remains,
A memory of what once was dour,
And hope that it sustains.

For though the world may seem to
Its beauty still endures,
and light of love, we'll wade
Through times that feel unsure.

Celestial Romance


The poem request from Jessica wants this quote “Isn’t it beautiful? The moon glowing using sun’s light and never ask for anything in return.” to describe their feelings for each other.

Two souls entwined, a bond so bright,
Like the moon glowing in the night,
Reflecting the light of the sun’s embrace,
Their love radiates with unyielding grace.

Like the moon, they shine with ease,
Without the need for anything to appease,
In each other’s company, they find solace,
A perfect union, without any malice.

Their love is like a cosmic dance,
A beautiful display of romance,
A celestial rhythm that’s pure and true,
Guided by the stars and the moon’s hue.

With each passing day, their love grows strong,
A timeless love that will last lifelong,
Just like the moon, they shine bright,
A wondrous sight, in each other’s light.

Complex Web

The lyrics I portrayed in a song are from Introverted by Zotiyac. The lyrics are at the bottom.

I hope for the best, but don’t believe it
Trust is hard, and I’m not easily deceived
I keep my distance from others, no regrets
For I know the pain that comes from making bets

She trusted me once, but now I don’t know
The reasons why we drifted, why we let it go
Memories of our love, still fresh in my head
But the motives that changed, are still left unsaid

Long nights, arguments, and making up
Moments of passion, but never enough
I held her close, when she cried her tears
My shoulder wet, with the weight of her fears

She loved me, but I can’t believe
For my heart, remains hard to retrieve
Affectless, in the face of her affection
A shield I wear, to protect my reflection

Relationships, they come and go
Trust, love, regret, and woe
A complex web, that we all must weave
To find the balance, that we can all believe.

"I don't believe it, but I hope the best 
I don't fuck with people, so I leave 'em without no regrеt 
She ain't have to trust me and shе did, but 
I don't know the rest 
Start off unconditional become a different motive next 
Long nights embedded in my head that 
I ain't gon' forget 
Argue 'til we fuck, you cancel work and now we overslept 
Member I would hold you when you cry, it got my shoulder wet 
She just wanna love me, don't believe her so it’s no affect"

Surface Tension

Introverted, deep inside,
My struggles I cannot hide.
It ain’t personal, please don’t take,
I’m just reserved, my space I make.

I hope for the best, but don’t believe,
My trust issues, hard to relieve.
I don’t mess with people, no regret,
Long nights embedded, I won’t forget.

I fear a lonely death, it’s true,
No one left, just blackness, no clue.
Can’t smoke my life, just roll away,
Compassion lost, in disarray.

It ain’t you, don’t take the blame,
My issues mine, I’m not the same.
Pointed fingers, it’s not fair,
Counted on you, but you’re not there.

Surrounding aura, a daunting view,
Obstacles, seem insurmountable, true.
Trying to move forward, leave the past,
Covering scars with money, it won’t last.

Introverted, I am on the surface,
Trying to cope, with my purpose.
Deep down, I know I must strive,
To keep moving forward, and stay alive.

Embers of Hope: The Perseverance of Friendship

Something else he made while he was working with me.

April 11, 2021

Amidst the trials that we all face,
Hope flickers like a gentle flame,
Perseverance will keep the pace.

Through storms that leave us in disgrace,
And challenges that seem untame,
Amidst the trials that we all face.

Our friends, they guide us through the maze,
And show us how to play the game,
Perseverance will keep the pace.

Though life may seem like a wild chase,
And darkness is all that remains,
Amidst the trials that we all face.

With faith and love, we find our place,
And every hardship we can claim,
Perseverance will keep the pace.

So let us all with love embrace,
And never lose the hope we gain,
Amidst the trials that we all face,
Perseverance will keep the pace.

Echoes of Loss in a Bleak World

Something he made in middle school

Created: November 19, 2017

In the depths of my heart, I feel
The weight of fate’s unyielding steel,
For life, in all its irony,
Offers no respite for the wearily.

Amidst the shadows of my strife,
I seek a glimmer of hope in life,
But hope, a fickle and distant star,
Seems forever beyond my reach, so far.

The world around me, once so bright,
Has lost its way in endless night,
Nature’s beauty now a memory,
Fading fast in man’s misery.

The wind, once a joyful tune,
Now whispers of grief and ruin,
A melancholy hymn to the sky,
As irony reigns and hope runs dry.

Conquering the Bleak: A Journey of Love and Hope

Poem request from Jacob

Created: April 1, 2o23

In the depths of my soul, a shadow lingers
A weight that drags me down and triggers
The memories of love lost and pain endured
And though I try to fight, I am not reassured

My heart beats with a melancholic tune
A haunting melody that plays until noon
And in the stillness of the night, I weep
As I struggle to hold on to hope and keep

The flames of passion that once burned bright
Now flicker and fade, like stars in the night
But I know that deep down, there is a spark
A glimmer of light that can pierce the dark

So I take a deep breath and try to find
The courage to leave the past behind
And as I embrace the unknown and new
I feel my spirit lifted, my heart renewed

For even in the midst of pain and strife
There is always the chance to start a new life
And though the road may be long and steep
I know that with hope, I can conquer the bleak.

Walk Beside Me

Created: April 4, 2023

Don’t walk in front of me, my friend,
For I may not follow you to the end,
Don’t walk behind me, for I may not lead,
And the path we take may be filled with greed.

Instead, walk beside me, through the strife,
As we navigate the hardships of life,
For in the darkness, we need each other’s light,
To guide us through the endless night.

Let us not compete, but let us collaborate,
For life is too short to harbor hate,
Let us not judge, but let us understand,
The complexities that make us who we are in this land.

For life is but a fleeting moment,
A chance to love and be truly present,
And in the end, when our journey is through,
All that will matter is the love that we knew.

So don’t walk in front of me or behind,
But walk beside me, with an open mind,
Together we’ll face the struggles that come,
And emerge victorious when all is said and done.

Dancing with Monsters

Created: April 4, 2023, 23:42

In the fight against the monsters within,
I fear that I may lose and let them win,
For the darkness lingers and whispers in my ear,
And I struggle to keep my sanity clear.

The abyss stares back at me with empty eyes,
And I wonder if I’ll succumb to its lies,
But I must remember to keep my heart pure,
And let the light within me continue to endure.

For if I become the monster that I fight,
Then what is the point of striving for what is right?
So I must be vigilant and stay true,
To the person I am and what I must do.

And when I find myself on the edge of the abyss,
I’ll throw roses in as a symbol of bliss,
For even in the darkness, I’ll find a way to thrive,
And show gratitude to the monster who did not survive.

For the struggles we face make us stronger in the end,
And through the darkness, we learn to comprehend,
That even in the midst of our deepest despair,
There is always hope, and love, and care.

So let us fight the monsters with all our might,
And remember that we must always shine our light,
For in the end, we’ll emerge victorious and free,
And throw roses into the abyss, saying “thank you” with glee.