Victim of Cheating


I never thought I'd catch you doing this to me,
Betrayed and broken, my trust shattered at the seams,
Innocence lost, like a ship lost at sea,
A victim of cheating, lost in painful dreams.

Deceit and lies, like venom in my veins,
I'm haunted by secrets, by your hidden gains,
Tears and torment, my heart forever stained,
A victim of cheating, in this never-ending rain.

Loneliness engulfs me, a constant, cold embrace,
Each moment's a reminder of your false, two-faced grace,
I never thought I'd be in this darkened place,
A victim of cheating, my heart's a hollow space. 

The pain, the hurt, too much to bear,
A victim of cheating, a soul laid bare,
But I'll find the strength, the will to repair,
In time, I'll heal, from this cruel affair. 

Victim of Misfortune


In love's intricate labyrinth, I'm ensnared,
A victim of adversity, emotions laid bare.
With blind trust, I gave my heart, unprepared,
To find it shattered, scattered, and left impaired.

In shadows of doubt, my heart lies confined,
A prisoner of pain, love's truth undermined.
Betrayed by whispers, love's song undefined, 
I ponder the love that time left behind. 

In this world of tears, I navigate the strife,
A casualty of misfortune, a wounded life.
The echoes of heartbreak, the silent life,
Resound in chambers of my broken life.

Through the wreckage of love, I tread the road,
A victim of misfortune, my heart erode.
With every tear, a story unfolds,
In the pages of heartache, my truth untold. 

Victim Of Greed


"Is materialistic things all you're after," a somber refrain,
A tale of love marred by avarice's stain,
In the shadow of wealth, a heart left in pain,
A relationship shattered, never to be the same.

Once, love bloomed bright, a promise so sweet,
Two souls entwined, in harmony complete,
But greed crept, like a thief in the night,
And cast a dark shadow, blinding the light.

Desires for riches, possessions untold,
Drowned out the whispers of love, once so bold,
Each dollar, each coin, like a poison, it stole,
leaving love's tender bonds tattered and cold.

"Is materialistic things all you desire,"
I questioned, tears falling like rain,
In this web of greed, we're caught in the mire,
Our love, once ablaze, now extinguished in pain.

Shut Him / Her Out, Remember!

In a tale of heartbreak, a story unfolds,
Where love was los, and pain took its
goddamn toll.
They fucking left in search of greener
pastures afar,
But found no solace, no guiding star. 

Their return, not born from a fucking
affectionate embrace, but from a void
Wherever they fucking wandered, none
cared to lend an ear, And so, they sought
solace, drawing fucking near.

Yet, let not your goddamn heart be swayed
by their return, for their motives lie in the
lessons they did goddamn learn.
When they come knocking, Seeking solace's
goddamn clout,
Shut them the fuck out, for your heart
deserves no goddamn doubt.

Remember, dear soul, the strength that
resides, The resilience that within you
For you, the one who cared when no one did,
Hold your goddamn ground, let their
absence fucking forbid.

Embrace the truth, let wisdom be your
fuckin guide,
In this tale of love's unraveling goddamn
For their return, a fleeting moment it shall
Shut them the fuck out, set your own 
goddamn spirit free.

Deceptive Embrace: Unmasking Love Bombing


In a realm of deceit, where shadows dance, 
There lies a tactic, a cruel romance.
Love bombing, it's called, a manipulative art,
A toxic allure, a deceitful sweetheart.

With honeyed words and gestures grand, 
They sweep you up in their cunning plan.
Like a whirlwind of affection, they draw you near, 
But beware, my friend, for danger lurks here.

They shower you with praise, a captivating spell,
Their affection overwhelms, like a sweet-scented swell.
They whisper promises, make you feel adored, 
But beneath the surface, a trap is carefully stored.

Love bombing, a facade, a twisted embrace, 
Designed to bind you in a tight, suffocating space.
Their affections, like petals, wilt and fade, 
Leaving you broken, vulnerable, betrayed.

Their love is a weapon, a manipulative game, 
To control your thoughts, your actions, your name.
They prey on your vulnerabilities, exploit your desire,
Leaving you lost, consumed by the fire.

But listen, dear heart, do not be swayed,
For love should be gentle, not a game to be played.
Recognize the signs, the false promises they bring, 
And break free from the chains of their insidious string

Hold onto your worth, your strength, and your voice, 
Don't let their love bombing drown out your choice.
In the face of their tactics, stand tall and strong, 
For true love is patient, it would never steer you wrong.

So, shield your heart, be cautious, be wise,
Don't let love bombing cloud your clear skies.
Find love that's authentic, built on trust and respect, 
And let manipulative tactics be forever in retrospect.

Regretful Denial of Love

Kell: Look I… I can’t care for you the way I care for her. You know…?

Bianca: I know.

Kell: “You know–” Then why do you hang out with me like this anyway? Why do you spend so much time with me…?

Bianca: Well. Because I care for you. Isn’t that reason enough?

(Video gets cut off)

Marcell: Do you regret your choice now? Denying her feelings like they meant nothing.

Kell: You think holding me here will bring her back from the grave?

Marcell: All you had to do was care for her even if it wasn’t real.


In the depths of our tangled hearts’ maze,
Where love and longing intertwined,
A fragile dance of souls ablaze,
Two paths diverged, destinies assigned.

Kell, tormented by a love untamed,
His heart divided, pulled apart,
Could not reciprocate as Bianca claimed,
For another held his beating heart.

“I can’t care for you,” he softly spoke,
His voice laden with sorrow’s weight,
A confession that left their spirits broke,
Their bond tested, strained by fate.

Bianca, aware of his conflicted plight,
Accepted his truth with grace profound,
In her heart, a flickering light,
For Kell, her friendship did resound.

“Why do you stay?” he pleaded, distressed,
Seeking solace in her tender reply,
“I care for you,” she gently professed,
A reason pure, no question of why.

But regret loomed heavy in Marcell’s eyes,
As he observed the choices made,
He saw the pain, the love denied,
The consequences that wouldn’t fade.

“Do you regret?” Marcell asked, accusation in his tone,
Denying her feelings, like petals withered away,
He hoped to awaken what was overthrown,
To find redemption in love’s array.

But Kell’s response was resolute, yet bleak,
“Holding me here won’t revive what’s lost,
Even if I pretended, my heart wouldn’t speak,
Love can’t be forced at any cost.”

So Marcell, with pen in hand, crafted a verse,
An elegy for love’s shattered refrain,
A poem to capture the pain and curse,
Of hearts entangled, love’s bittersweet domain.

In the realm of words, he wove their tale,
Of Kell and Bianca, a bond misunderstood,
A tragedy of hearts destined to fail,
And the lessons learned in love’s tangled wood.


Echoes of the Unrealized

Quote: “Suddenly you realize you’ll never have the good relationship you wanted. But as long as they were alive even though you’d never admit it. Part of you, the stupidest goddamn part of you is still holding on to that chance.”


In the depths of longing, a bittersweet truth,
A realization dawns, a heartache's sleuth.
The good relationship you sought, forever denied,
Yet a flicker remains, deep within, can't hide.

Suddenly, clarity strikes, a painful blow,
The truth echoes, as if in a whispering flow.
Though you won't admit, a secret held tight,
A part of you clings, yearning for that light.

The foolish par, relentless and strong,
Holding onto hope, against all that's wrong.
For as long as they're alive, a silver of chance,
Keeps the ember of possibility in a dance.

But the truth stands firm, unyielding and clear,
The good relationship desired, destined to veer.
Yet still, you hold on, a silent tribute to the past,
A testament to love's endurance, steadfast.

Fractured Facades: A Heart’s Desalinization

In shadows cast, a tale now weaves,
Of shattered hopes and love's decieves,
A girl, wounded, her heart betrayed,
By a promise she thought would never

She offered her affection, open and true,
But he denied her, a painful residue,
A promise made, to stay as friends,
Yet it brought torment that never mends.

Resentment brewed, a venomous brew,
Within her heart, emotions askew,
She spun a web of bitter disdain,
To hide her love, now drowned in pain.

Her words like daggers, sharp and cold,
Lies she whispered, her true thoughts
She painted him with shades of disdain,
A fragile heart seeking to shift blame.

In her dark corners, anger thrived,
Fanning the flames of loved deprived,
She despised his choice, his distant gaze,
Yet silently yearned for his loving embrace.

But as she weaved her intricate lies,
The truth within her slowly dies,
For deceit cannot quell a wounded soul,
Nor fill the void where love once stole.

In the depths of her despair and spite,
She found no solace, no respite,
For love denied and promises kept,
Left her shattered, alone, and bereft.

Oh, bitter fate, with its cruel game,
Where hearts collide and break in shame,
No happy ending shall grace this tale, 
Just echoes of love, doomed to fail.

So let her linger in her disdain,
A girl lost in love's cruel reign,
For sometimes pain has no release,
And bitter hearts find no lasting peace. 

Shattered Reflections

The crystal mirror, locked away,
Behind a door in a tower's gray,
Guarded by soldiers, staunch and
A love once cherished, lost to you.

Betrayed by words, by deeds, by lies,
Your heart shattered, your spirit dies,
The mirror's image now distorted,
Its beauty marred, its purpose thwarted.

The soldiers' swords, their armor
Reflect the cold and bitter night,
The tower sands, a lonely keep,
Where dreams of love are laid to

No more the warmth, the gentle
Of love once felt in your embrace,
The mirror's shards now cut your soul,
And leave you broken, dark and cold.

No light can enter, no hope can stay,
In the tower where your love must lay,
Its brilliance dimmed, its beauty
By the hand of one who once

So let the soldiers stand their post,
and guard the mirror, at any cost,
For love once lost, can never be
Locked away in that tower's cold 

Siren’s Call

He knows that love can hurt, can leave him scarred,
Yet still he seeks that flame to light his way,
A fire bright that burns both hot and hard,
That draws him close, that makes him want to stay.

He knows the risks, the pain that he’ll endure,
The nights of tears, the days of constant strife,
But still he craves that feeling of allure,
The rush of passion that ignites his life.

He tries to fight it, but it’s just too strong,
The pull of toxic love that he can’t shake,
He knows it’s wrong, that it’s been too long,
But still he’s drawn to make that same mistake.

And so he walks with candle burning bright,
Though toxic love will lead him through the night.