Victim of Domestic Abuse



Do you think this is you showing me your love...hurting me
In shadows, I wither, a broken, whispered plea
Each cruel word and blow, my heart's silent decree
A captive in this pian, my soul longs to be free

In the past, your hands were known for their gentle and nurturing touch, 
Transformed into something that is capable of inflicting pain and suffering. 
Every movement and gesture seems to be guided by a malevolent force, 
Every essence of cruelty has taken hold of them and is using them to its own twisted and dark purpose

The love I thought I knew, now a poisonous dart
My heart, a fragile thing, shattered, afraid to trust
A prisoner of your anger, my world torn apart
In this sea of despair, I'm drowning, falling endlessly

In your silent violence, my dreams have turned to dust
I'm trapped in this nightmare, feeling so unjust
Each mark tells a story, your eye's clouded from them
A victim of your rage, in this storm, I'm lost

Whispers of the Soul

Poem Request by Julian: The category he chose beside the 5 random wheel spins is “Fear”

Amidst ancient realms, where cherry blossoms sway,
In the land of the rising sun, a poet finds his way.
In the spirit of Japanese dynasty’s grace,
Let verses be woven, each line a sacred space.

Through the veil of time, retrospective tides flow,
Revealing the web of causality’s intricate glow.
Realization, like moonlight on tranquil seas,
Illuminate paths, where destiny finds its keys.

Resilience, a virtue cherished, Samurai’s heart aflame,
Embracing challenges, never yielding to shame.
With katana’s edge, the spirit cuts through strife,
Fierce resolve standing firm, in the dance of life.

In whispers of betrayal, echoes of disharmony,
Samurais’honor tested, blades of loyalty keen.
Through honor’s code, they navigate the storm,
Seeking justice and harmony, the way of the noble norm.

Celestial secrets, whispered by ancient skies,
Astrology’s wisdom, an emperor’s allies.
Stars paint stories, woven in cosmic design,
Guiding souls with grace, a celestial shrine.

Fear, a shadow that dances upon the soul’s stage,
But samurais rise, courageous and sage.
They face the darkness with unwavering might,
Embracing fear’s challenge, to reclaim the light.

In this poetic voyage, let the ancient dynasty’s spirit soar,
Verse by verse, in reverence we explore.
Within these words, echoes of a bygone age,
Japanese beauty and grace, forever on the page.

Embers of Empowerment

In the realm of human existence, we find,
A tapestry woven with threads that bind.
Fear, a shadow that dances in the mind,
Yet within its grip, empowerment we find.

Like an ember, burning deep within,
Fear flickers, but courage begins.
Evanescent doubts, they fade away,
Revealing strength to face a brand-new day.

Amidst the drama life tends to weave,
Beauty emerges, our spirits to relieve.
For within the chaos, a silver lining gleams,
A reminder of life’s enchanting dreams.

In the face of fear, let us rise,
Empowered souls, reaching for the skies.
Unleashing the ember’s resilient glow,
Igniting the path where strength shall flow.

For fear may knock with a thunderous sound,
But within us lies power, resounding and profound.
We face the evanescent nature of our fears,
Embracing courage as it whispers in our ears.

Drama may swirl, a tempest’s embrace,
But we find solace in beauty’s grace.
In the fleeting moments, where magic resides,
We glimpse the magnificence life provides.

Let fear be the canvas, empowerment the stroke,
Embers igniting hearts, evoking hope.
In life’s grand drama, we find our role,
And through it all, we discover our soul.

For within the chaos and the sublime,
We find strength to rise, time after time.
Empowered, we navigate life’s intricate plea,
Embracing the beauty of who we’re meant to be.

Fearful Manifestation

In the depths of despair, where shadows dance,
A quote lingers, invoking a chilling trance,
“Fear will be your downfall, peasant,” it cries,
A bleak lamentation, as hope slowly dies.

Oh, hapless peasant, lost in fear’s cruel grip,
Your trembling soul, with anguish, starts to slip,
Like vultures circling, fear preys upon your mind,
Feeding on doubts, leaving scars undefined.

In the bleak abyss, where nightmares reside,
Whispers of terror grow, like a rising tide,
Fear’s bony fingers, upon your spirit they prey,
Dragging you down into an endless decay.

Each step you take, burdened by doubt’s chains,
Trapped in a labyrinth of agonizing pains,
The voice of reason drowned in fear’s wailing cries,
Your dreams crushed, beneath ominous skies.

Dark tendrils of despair, they smother your will,
Rendering you powerless, unable to fulfill,
Fear paints illusions, distorting every sight,
A desolate landscape where hope takes flight.

“Fear will be your downfall,” the chant echoes still,
A haunting reminder of your soul’s impending ill,
But amidst the shadows, a flicker of defiance gleams,
A glimmer of strength, born from shattered dreams.

For in the darkest nights, embers still ignite,
A beacon of resilience, burning ever bright,
Rise, oh weary peasant, from fear’s cold embrace,
Unleash the fire within, let it leave its trace.

Confront the specters that haunt your broken mind,
With eyes ablaze, the darkness you shall blind,
For fear’s dominion is but a feeble façade,
In your heart, a warrior, unyielding and unflawed.

Though fear may whisper, its words filled with dread,
Carry on, dear peasant, with courage as your thread,
And as you journey through the realms of despair,
Unleash your spirit, for it shall never wear.

Though fear may threaten to be your tragic fate,
Embrace the shadows, for they too shall abate,
For in the depths of darkness, resilience shall rise,
And fear, defeated, shall meet its own demise.

So let the bleakness of fear become your guide,
Through its chilling depths, let your strength preside,
For in the face of darkness, a glimmer of hope is sown,
And fear, your downfall, shall be overthrown.