Deceptive Embrace: Unmasking Love Bombing


In a realm of deceit, where shadows dance, 
There lies a tactic, a cruel romance.
Love bombing, it's called, a manipulative art,
A toxic allure, a deceitful sweetheart.

With honeyed words and gestures grand, 
They sweep you up in their cunning plan.
Like a whirlwind of affection, they draw you near, 
But beware, my friend, for danger lurks here.

They shower you with praise, a captivating spell,
Their affection overwhelms, like a sweet-scented swell.
They whisper promises, make you feel adored, 
But beneath the surface, a trap is carefully stored.

Love bombing, a facade, a twisted embrace, 
Designed to bind you in a tight, suffocating space.
Their affections, like petals, wilt and fade, 
Leaving you broken, vulnerable, betrayed.

Their love is a weapon, a manipulative game, 
To control your thoughts, your actions, your name.
They prey on your vulnerabilities, exploit your desire,
Leaving you lost, consumed by the fire.

But listen, dear heart, do not be swayed,
For love should be gentle, not a game to be played.
Recognize the signs, the false promises they bring, 
And break free from the chains of their insidious string

Hold onto your worth, your strength, and your voice, 
Don't let their love bombing drown out your choice.
In the face of their tactics, stand tall and strong, 
For true love is patient, it would never steer you wrong.

So, shield your heart, be cautious, be wise,
Don't let love bombing cloud your clear skies.
Find love that's authentic, built on trust and respect, 
And let manipulative tactics be forever in retrospect.

Telstra’s Resolve

“What are you doing? Why are you still holding…back?! Have you forgotten what they said to us? What they did? They think you’re a monster!! Prove them RIGHT!!!”

Telstra Spinx

In a moment of tempestuous plight,
Telstra’s powers flicker, a dormant might,
“What are you doing? Why hold back the flame?
Have you forgotten their words, their cruel game?

They label you a monster, an abhorrent sight,
But their ignorance blinds them from your true light.
Unleash the fury that dwells deep within,
Prove them right, let the storm begin!

For they know not the strength you possess,
The resilience within, the power to impress.
Rise, oh Telstra, embrace your might,
Unleash your essence, ignite the night!

No more shall their judgment chain you down,
No longer will you wear society’s frown.
With defiance as your guide, your spirit alight,
Prove them right, let your powers take flight!

Break the shackles, set your soul free,
Embrace the monster they claim you to be.
In your flames, their doubts shall ignite,
A testament to the power they failed to sight.

Oh Telstra, let their whispers fade,
Your destiny awaits, in darkness you wade.
Prove them right, let your strength unfurl,
For within your heart, an extraordinary world.”

Tangled Hearts, Endless Paths

In the realm of “What ifs” our minds do stray,
Exploring paths untaken, day by day.
But amidst false love, a treacherous guise,
Passions ignite, where truth oftentimes lies.

In the backdrop of war, a fierce crusade,
Desire burns bright, a love never swayed.
Amidst the chaos, families find solace,
Uniting in bonds that time can’t erase.

Adventure beckons, a wild, daring call,
Exploring the unknown, standing tall.
And within this tapestry, passions entwine,
Seeking pleasures untamed, intoxicating and divine.

But let us shift the focus, with respect and care,
To celebrate love in a way that’s fair.
For sex, though a part of the human experience,
Deserves a nuanced approach, with reverence.

Let’s honor intimacy, connection profound,
With consent and trust, a sacred ground.
A celebration of love, desire’s sweet surrender,
In a poem where respect and consent are the agenda.

So let our poem weave a tale of love’s embrace,
With passion and warmth, a tender grace.
Acknowledging that sex is part of life’s bloom,
But focusing on love’s depths, beyond the bedroom.

For love encompasses more than just physical delight,
It’s the emotional bond that shines in love’s light.
And in this poem, we celebrate the breadth,
Of love’s journey, where hearts find their true depth.


Savoring Forbidden Whispers

In the realm of flavors, let our story begin,
Where food becomes a language, a sensual hymn.
Romance simmering in pots and pans,
As forbidden love ignites with tender hands.

In the kitchen’s embrace, secrets softly reside,
Whispered among spices, love’s secrets to confide.
Ingredients blend, like souls entwined,
A recipe for passion, clandestine and kind.

Lies, like garnishes, embellish the tale,
Layers of deceit, a flavor that prevails.
Sweet deceptions on a plate of desires,
Adding depth to the feast that love inspires.

Inner struggles simmer, like a slow-cooked stew,
Conflicting emotions, battling through.
A clash of longings, a tug-of-war within,
Seasoning the journey where forbidden love begins.

Melancholic undertones grace each bite,
A taste of longing, hidden from sight.
Bittersweet moments linger in the air,
As hearts wrestle with a love that’s unfair.

Let food be the canvas, the medium to express,
The essence of a love that’s both chaos and finesse.
Every morsel consumed, a secret rendezvous,
A forbidden banquet, known to just a few.

Through flavors and textures, emotions intertwine,
The sensuality of taste, a bridge through time.
Food becomes the vessel for their hidden vows,
A feast of passion, savored in silent vows.

And in this culinary tale, let love prevail,
Defying boundaries, like a forbidden tale.
For food, like love, transcends societal walls,
Uniting souls, where authenticity calls.

So let us feast on this poetic cuisine,
Where food and love entwine, a perfect dream.
A symphony of flavors, emotions intertwined,
A nourishment for the heart, eternally entwined.

Fractured Facades: A Heart’s Desalinization

In shadows cast, a tale now weaves,
Of shattered hopes and love's decieves,
A girl, wounded, her heart betrayed,
By a promise she thought would never

She offered her affection, open and true,
But he denied her, a painful residue,
A promise made, to stay as friends,
Yet it brought torment that never mends.

Resentment brewed, a venomous brew,
Within her heart, emotions askew,
She spun a web of bitter disdain,
To hide her love, now drowned in pain.

Her words like daggers, sharp and cold,
Lies she whispered, her true thoughts
She painted him with shades of disdain,
A fragile heart seeking to shift blame.

In her dark corners, anger thrived,
Fanning the flames of loved deprived,
She despised his choice, his distant gaze,
Yet silently yearned for his loving embrace.

But as she weaved her intricate lies,
The truth within her slowly dies,
For deceit cannot quell a wounded soul,
Nor fill the void where love once stole.

In the depths of her despair and spite,
She found no solace, no respite,
For love denied and promises kept,
Left her shattered, alone, and bereft.

Oh, bitter fate, with its cruel game,
Where hearts collide and break in shame,
No happy ending shall grace this tale, 
Just echoes of love, doomed to fail.

So let her linger in her disdain,
A girl lost in love's cruel reign,
For sometimes pain has no release,
And bitter hearts find no lasting peace. 

Whispers of the Heart

Category help from: Simone

In the depths of our souls, where secrets reside,
A tale of connection, love’s ebb and tide.
Two hearts entangled, in a dance so rare,
Intimacy’s embrace, a love we both share.

Passions ignited, a flame burning bright,
Our spirits entwined, in the depths of the night.
But beware, dear wanderer, of love’s sweet disguise,
For false affection hides behind charming eyes.

Triumph awaits those who see through the haze,
Unveiling the truth in love’s intricate maze.
Through storms and trials, we find our own way,
To a love that is real, where true hearts may stay.

Yet, lurking nearby, self-destruction may call,
A whispered temptation, urging our downfall.
It whispers of shadows, of doubts and despair,
A danger that threatens the love we both bear.

In this intricate dance, our hearts intertwine,
Moments of ecstasy, mixed with moments of decline.
But through it all, we strive to survive,
Nurturing the love that keeps us alive.

For in the depths of our souls, where emotions run deep,
We find the strength to conquer, to defy, and to keep.
A love that’s authentic, enduring and strong,
A love that prevails, where we both belong.

What Once Was

Poem request by London: She gave the first line.

What happened to the good times?
The sun once shone so bright,
Its golden rays a gentle rhyme
That chased away the night.

The flowers bloomed in brilliant hues,
Their petals soft and kind,
And every breeze that gently blew
Brought fragrant peace of mind.

The world was full of wondrous things,
Like birds that sang with glee,
And laughter, like a pair of wings,
Set our hearts and sprites free.

But now it seems the world has
The sun obscured by clouds,
The flowers wilted and deranged,
Their beauty lost in shrouds.

The birds no longer sing their songs,
Their melodies now hushed,
And laughter, once a source of
Has turned to tears, so crushed.

Yet even in this darkest hour,
A glimmer still remains,
A memory of what once was dour,
And hope that it sustains.

For though the world may seem to
Its beauty still endures,
and light of love, we'll wade
Through times that feel unsure.

Complex Web

The lyrics I portrayed in a song are from Introverted by Zotiyac. The lyrics are at the bottom.

I hope for the best, but don’t believe it
Trust is hard, and I’m not easily deceived
I keep my distance from others, no regrets
For I know the pain that comes from making bets

She trusted me once, but now I don’t know
The reasons why we drifted, why we let it go
Memories of our love, still fresh in my head
But the motives that changed, are still left unsaid

Long nights, arguments, and making up
Moments of passion, but never enough
I held her close, when she cried her tears
My shoulder wet, with the weight of her fears

She loved me, but I can’t believe
For my heart, remains hard to retrieve
Affectless, in the face of her affection
A shield I wear, to protect my reflection

Relationships, they come and go
Trust, love, regret, and woe
A complex web, that we all must weave
To find the balance, that we can all believe.

"I don't believe it, but I hope the best 
I don't fuck with people, so I leave 'em without no regrеt 
She ain't have to trust me and shе did, but 
I don't know the rest 
Start off unconditional become a different motive next 
Long nights embedded in my head that 
I ain't gon' forget 
Argue 'til we fuck, you cancel work and now we overslept 
Member I would hold you when you cry, it got my shoulder wet 
She just wanna love me, don't believe her so it’s no affect"

The Fake Love

Created: Jan 2, 2020, Last modified: May 23, 2020, 17:53

context: A Conversation I had with a  friend after he found a girl he liked was using him. Been 4 years since then crazy.

quotations are my friend. You know who the other is.

The Fake Love

Created: Jan 2, 2020
Last Modified: May 23, 2020, 17:53

“I thought you cherished me.”

No, it was just fun for her.

“At the point when we remained there, closer than all?”

Well, the harvested moon Was sparkling and
eccentric in your hair, and it turned her head.

“That made her…”

Yes. Simply the moon and the light it made Under the tree.

“Well, her mouth, as well.”

Indeed, her mouth? What’s more, the calm there sang like the drum in the stall.

“she shouldn’t have moved that way.”

Like what?

“So close, “With her head turned up, and the blossom in her hair, a rose that smelt all warm. I adored her. I thought she knew. I wouldn’t have moved like that with any however but she I don’t know.”

I doubt she had the foggiest idea. I thought you realized she was just using you for enjoyment.

“I thought it was the love she signified.”

Well, it’s finished.

“Does it really have to be finished?”

I’ve seen young men stone a blackbird and watched them suffocate
A little cat … it ripped at the reeds, and they drove it down
Into the pool while it shouted.

“The fuck does that mean, Is that fun, as well?”

All things considered, young men resemble that … Your brothers…

“You’re not making sense.”

Be that as it may, she is so beautiful and solid! Calm down! Calm down!”

They don’t comprehend it’s cold-blooded. It’s just a game to them.

“What’s more, are young ladies fun, as well?”

No, still in a way it’s equivalent.

“It’s eccentric and beautiful to have a girl…”

Go on.

“It makes you distraught for a piece to feel she’s your own,

And what, you snicker and kiss her, and perhaps you give her a ring. Be that your thought process I need you to remember, You were just for entertainment only.

“However, I gave her everything.”

All things considered, you shouldn’t have done it.

“You recognize what an individual thinks?”

At the point when a young lady does that of course.

“Furthermore, I consider her a—”

Stop that now. I thought you knew. Yet, it wasn’t with any other individual. It was just you.

“How could I know? I thought she needed it as well. I thought she resembled the rest.”

The rest? The rest of what, the love you shared with her. Indeed, what can anyone do to be done? Is everything right?”



“Positive, but why?”

I don’t have the foggiest idea. I thought you were going to cry.

“You said you had something to let me know.”

“Yeah I did but it seem I was too late so I think I’ll go.



Bound by Chains of Twisted Affection

Created March 25, 2023, 8:19 am

A captive heart, held in a love so
a bond that twists and rearranges,
Emotions tangled, a web of intrigue,
A mind enslaved, unable to break free.

The captor's hold is strong and sure,
Promises of love, so sweet and pure,
But beneath the surface, a darker
A spell of possession, a twisted course.

My heart beats for the captor's hand,
A willing slave to their command,
A love that seems so right, so true,
But beneath the surface, a different might.

The captor's grip is tight and firm,
A twisted love that makes me squirm,
A bond that feels so wrong, so right,
A prisoner to love's twisted might.

Oh, how I wish to be free,
To break the spell and finally see,
That this love is not what it seems,
A captive to a Stockholm dream.