The Fiery Gaze That Keeps Calling V1.

Created: 23/10/02
Every time I light this fire, our love ignites,
In the dancing flames, it finds new life, 
The warmth of your presence, forever in sight,
In the crackling hearth, there's no room for strife.

The memories we've made, they shimmer and glow,
Like stars in the night, they brightly adorn,
In the heart of this fire, our feelings still flow,
With every flicker and spark, our love is reborn.

The smoke in the air, a sweet, fragrant embrace,
Recalls all the moments we cherished so dear,
This fire's a symbol of our passionate grace,
A love that endures, without doubt or fear.

So as long as this fire continues to burn,
Our love will persist, forever to yearn,
In the warmth of the flames, our hearts will discern,
That the love we share will forever return. 

Belief in a Worthy Blessing

I hope beautiful things happen to you, and when they do, I hope you can believe that you are worthy of every single one of them.

In the realm of verse, let's weave a tale,
Of hopes and dreams that gently sail.
Where beautiful things come to find,
A place to dwell within the mind.

Oh, gracious soul, may your heart be bright,
As stars that twinkle in the night.
May destiny's hand gently unfold,
In stories yet untold, but soon to be told.

When fortune's breeze whispers your name,
And blessings in your life find their calm,
Believe, dear one, that you're worthy, true,
Of every joy that comes to you.

Like petals adorning a bloom so rare,
Embrace each moment, for it's yours to 
Let doubt's shadow fade into the past,
For you my friend, have found your vast.

A tepestry woven with love and grace,
Painted ith hues of dreams embraced.
Embrace these blessings, let them unfurl,
As life's symphony dances and swirls.

And in the depths of yuor being, know,
You're desrving of all the seeds you sow.
For beauty resides within your core,
An eternal flame, forevermore.

So, when those beautiful things come your
Breathe deeply, my dear, and let them stay.
Embrace the truth that you are deserving,
Of every blessing, ever deserving.

May your path be adorned with treasures
And may your heart forever bear,
The knowledge that you are worthy, true,
Of every dream that comes to you.


Whispers of Resilience: A Battle Against Social Anxiety

 Prompt: Social Anxiety

Prompt convo: (Mara's Inner Dialogue in quotations)
"This is my stop. I should get ready."
"Just say it!"
(Whispers) "Excuse me?"
(A feeling of everyone watching her)
"What's with that look?"
"Please speak. SPEAK!"
"Why are they getting close?"
"Did I say something wrong?"
"I can't.."
"It's ruining my life."

In the depths of Mara's troubled mind,
A battle fierce, she tries to find,
Her heart constricts, her breath is caught,
Social anxiety, a fearsome thought.

"This is my stop. I should get ready,"
She whispers softly, feeling unsteady.
"Just say it!" her inner voice demands,
But courage falters in trembling hands.

"Excuse me?" escapes her lips so meek,
A voice so fragile, barely a squeak.
Yet in her mind, a symphony resounds,
The feeling of eyes, a weight that surrounds.

"What's with that look?" she wonders in 
A gaze, a judgment, cutting and sheer.
"Please speak. SPEAK!" her spirit cries,
But anxiety's grip, it never denies.

"Why are they getting close?" she frets,
A crowd encroaching, her mind besets.
"Did I say something wrong?" she ponders,
Her thoughts spinning in anxious wonders.

"I can't," she thinks, defeated and worn,
As confidence withers, her spirit torn.
"It's ruining my life," she mourns within,
A silent struggle, a battle to win.

But let us not despair in Mara's plight,
For strength can be found in darkest night.
Through empathy's touch and 
compassion's grace,
A poem now weaves, an embrace takes 

To Mara, we offer solace and light,
A reminder that battles can yield to flight.
In unity, we stand, hearts intertwined,
For social anxiety, we shall unbind.

With patience and love, let's lend an ear,
To those whose whispers are tinged with 
Through understanding, let kindness reign,
In Mara's struggle, a hope we sustain.

For in her journey, she'll find her voice,
Breaking free from anxiety's choice.
And as she blossoms, brave and strong,
Her spirit soars, a triumph song.

So let us stand as one, hand in hand,
Supporting each other, a united band.
For in this poem, Mara's tale unfolds,
A testament of courage, yet untold.

Passionate Love’s Delica

1st version.

Prompt: Conversation between a couple:

Prompt Convo:

Itreya: (unfazed) Don’t get to fucking confident. You don’t wanna be treated like your ex did you right?

Zenim: (Truma Relapse).

Itreya: (Approving smile) That’s right go back to being the little submissive man I love.

In the realm of whispers, a couple engaged,
Itreya spoke, unyielding, unfazed.
"Don't grow too confident, my dear," she 
"Remember your ex's treatment, it's not what 
you craved."

Zenim, in a moment, a relapse of trauma,
The wounds reopened, sorrowful drama.
Yet Itreya's smile, approving and grand,
Brought solace and comfort, like a loving 

Back to being the little submissive man,
Zenim returned, as Itreya's grand plan.
For in their dance, a delicate balance above,
Their love, their power, intertwined like a 

2nd version.
Prompt Convo:

Zenim: (Unfazed) Don’t let your womanly emotions consume you. You don’t wanna end up like your mother now do you?

Itreya: (Truma Relapse) I’m not her…

Zenim: (Approving smile) That’s right go back to being the little submissive woman I love.

Amidst the murmurs, a couple stood strong,
Zenim's words resolute, unyielding, not 
"Don't let emotions consume you, my love," 
he dared,
"Like your mother's fate, be aware, be 

Itreya, caught in a moment, a relapse of old,
A specter from past, her heart's core, 
Yet Zenim's smile, approving and true,
Ignited a flame, as love often will do.

Back to being the little submissive woman,
Itreya returned, her spirit still human.
For in their union, a dance of their own,
Strength and vulnerability, in harmonious 

Two versions, two stories, love's intricate 
Expressed through words, a delicate part.
For in their conversations, echoes of pain,
And in their connection, a love to sustain.


Telstra’s Resolve

“What are you doing? Why are you still holding…back?! Have you forgotten what they said to us? What they did? They think you’re a monster!! Prove them RIGHT!!!”

Telstra Spinx

In a moment of tempestuous plight,
Telstra’s powers flicker, a dormant might,
“What are you doing? Why hold back the flame?
Have you forgotten their words, their cruel game?

They label you a monster, an abhorrent sight,
But their ignorance blinds them from your true light.
Unleash the fury that dwells deep within,
Prove them right, let the storm begin!

For they know not the strength you possess,
The resilience within, the power to impress.
Rise, oh Telstra, embrace your might,
Unleash your essence, ignite the night!

No more shall their judgment chain you down,
No longer will you wear society’s frown.
With defiance as your guide, your spirit alight,
Prove them right, let your powers take flight!

Break the shackles, set your soul free,
Embrace the monster they claim you to be.
In your flames, their doubts shall ignite,
A testament to the power they failed to sight.

Oh Telstra, let their whispers fade,
Your destiny awaits, in darkness you wade.
Prove them right, let your strength unfurl,
For within your heart, an extraordinary world.”

Love’s Dual Essence

Quote: “I only ever thought there were two kinds of love; the kind you’ll kill for, and the kind you’ll die for; but you my darling, you were the kind of love I would live for.”

In realms of love, where passions
Two archetypes emerge, distinct and
One, fierce and wild, ablaze in the heart,
A love so potent, it could tear worlds apart.

The kind you'd fight for, against all odds,
A love so fierce, it defies the gods.
A flame that consumes, with a fervent
Burning bright, setting souls afire.

Then there's the love that holds a hue different
a love where tenderness and grace shine
A love that whispers softly, like a gentle
A love that nurtures, outting souls at ease.

You, my darling, are a love of he latter kind,
A love that transcends, gentle and refined.
A love that grants life new purpose and
A love I'd choose to chrish, to love for on
this earth.

For in your eyes, a universe I find,
Where love's pure essence forever
With you, my dear, life blooms with delight,
A love that sustains, casting away the night.

No longer just kind to kill or die,
But a love that ignites the will to truly fly.
With you, my darling, love takes on new
A love that transcends, like a perfect storm.

So let us journey, hand in hand,
Embracing this love we've come to adore.
For you, my darling, are the love I'll live for,
A live that whispers of eternity's lore.


What Once Was

Poem request by London: She gave the first line.

What happened to the good times?
The sun once shone so bright,
Its golden rays a gentle rhyme
That chased away the night.

The flowers bloomed in brilliant hues,
Their petals soft and kind,
And every breeze that gently blew
Brought fragrant peace of mind.

The world was full of wondrous things,
Like birds that sang with glee,
And laughter, like a pair of wings,
Set our hearts and sprites free.

But now it seems the world has
The sun obscured by clouds,
The flowers wilted and deranged,
Their beauty lost in shrouds.

The birds no longer sing their songs,
Their melodies now hushed,
And laughter, once a source of
Has turned to tears, so crushed.

Yet even in this darkest hour,
A glimmer still remains,
A memory of what once was dour,
And hope that it sustains.

For though the world may seem to
Its beauty still endures,
and light of love, we'll wade
Through times that feel unsure.

The Two Kingdoms

In a land of two kingdoms, divided by a sea,
Duality reigns, but empathy sets them free.
Secrets hidden, what ifs linger,
Will peace be found, or will war still linger?

The Kingdom of Dawn, with the sun on their side,
Bask in its warmth, and let it be their guide.
Their people are loyal, their hearts full of love,
But what if they meet the Kingdom of Dusk, a force to be reckoned with, so tough?

The Kingdom of Dusk, cloaked in mystery,
Keeps to themselves, and history is their victory.
Secrecy is their weapon, and their people are strong,
But what if they choose to fight, and their battles last long?

Empathy can heal, and bring these kingdoms together,
For what if they unite, and create something better?
A new world can be born, with the duality they possess,
A new era of peace, and prosperity, no less.

So let us hope, that the what ifs become a reality,
And these two kingdoms, with empathy and duality,
Can find a way, to bring peace to their land,
And together they will stand, hand in hand.


Dual Realities

In the bleakness of his inner struggles,
Mestailfy found hope through his dreams,
Pouring his heart into his poems,
Seeking solace amidst the schemes.

Haunted by Lilith and Destuca’s lies,
He kept their presence a secret, afraid of betrayal,
But his family’s compassion and empathy,
Empowered him to confront the duality of his tale.

Despite the mystery that surrounded him,
Mestailfy found personal growth in his resilience,
Persevering through heartbreak and regret,
He found self-acceptance and self-liberation through his experiences.

As he looked to the stars for inspiration,
He realized the irony of his situation,
That in his melancholic moments of sadness,
He found a personal triumph in his self-reflection.

Though the what-ifs still lingered in his mind,
Mestailfy found peace in the cycles of nature,
And the uplifting and wholesome moments of his life,
Reminding him of the love and friendships that endure.

So he wrote, with Mariana as his muse,
Fantasies and tales of a world unknown,
Breaking free from stereotypes and false love,
To find the beauty in the unknown.

The Beauty of Selflessness

Created: March 25, 2023

Quote: “I always thought, I might be bad. Now I’m sure that it’s true. Cuz I think you’re so good and I’m nothing Like you.”

I always thought, I might be bad,
A darkness lurking, making me sad,
A gnawing feeling, deep inside,
A constant battle, I cannot hide.

Now I’m sure that it’s true,
For when I see the likes of you,
I’m struck with awe, so pure and bright,
A shining star, in darkest night.

You speak with kindness, without fear,
A beacon of hope, so bright and clear,
A selflessness, I can’t conceive,
A noble heart, that will not leave.

And yet, here I am, in my own skin,
A tarnished soul, that can’t begin,
To match the goodness, that you exude,
A stark contrast, I can’t conclude.

For I am nothing, like you,
No shining star, so pure and true,
Just a mere mortal, with faults and flaws,
And though it hurts, it’s just because.

I see in you, all that I lack,
A shining light, I can’t attract,
But still, I hope to learn from you,
And maybe, one day, be something too.