Court Ruling

Prompt: Court Ruling

Prompt Conversation:

Keeta: Forget the trial. We should just execute them.

Isa: No!! I want to hear them make their case. I want them to think of what we might do to them. Because I want to do something worse.

In the realm of justice, passions ignite,
Where minds clash and shadows take their 
Keeta cries for swift execution's might,
While Isa yearns for a tale in the court's 

"Forgo the trial," Keeta boldly declares,
Impatient, seeking justice unawares.
"Let's cast aside their pleas, their feeble 
And render retribution without refrains."

But Isa's heart, in darkness, takes its stand,
A deeper purpose she holds in her hand.
"I yearn to hear them speak, to bear their 
For justice lies in knowing what they see."

"I want them to think of what we might do,
To ponder their fate, their actions undue.
For in their fears, they'll feel our wrath take 
A punishment surpassing darkest night."

The court convenes, the stage set for the 
A symphony of justice in disarray.
Defendant and accuser face each other,
As the echoes of their sins start to smother.

The accused, with trembling voices, 
Their pleas for mercy mingling with 
They recount their tale, a dance of despair,
Hoping for clemency, a chance to repair.

Keeta's eyes blaze with anger and disdain,
Each word fueling her desire to maim.
But Isa's gaze holds secrets, unseen power,
Her thirst for vengeance, growing by the 

The evidence laid bare, the arguments 
The court must decide, no matter the cost.
Keeta, consumed by fury, pleads her case,
While Isa, silent, wears a stoic face.

The judges deliberate, the hour draws near,
And the weight of their verdict, full of fear.
Keeta dreams of bloodshed, swift and 
While Isa's vengeance whispers, crystal 

The ruling is rendered, justice's decree,
A balance of mercy and cruelty we see.
Keeta, disappointed, her anger unmet,
While Isa's vengeance deepens, a darker 

In the realm of justice, passions collide,
And the echoes of punishment still reside.
Keeta and Isa, forever entwined,
A testament to the complexity of the mind.

For in their hearts, a longing to find peace,
But divergent paths dictate their release.
And as the court adjourns, their souls 
A testament to justice's delicate twist.


Ties That Empower

In bonds of friendship, stories intertwine,
Where euphoria and empowerment align,
Yet drama lurks within this cherished space,
A tapestry of emotions we must embrace.

With hearts entwined, euphoria we find,
In laughter shared and moments so kind,
A symphony of joy, a blissful dance,
Friendship’s euphoria, a magical trance.

Empowerment blooms in friendship’s embrace,
Nurturing souls, igniting inner grace,
Together we rise, as strength intertwines,
Empowered by love, our spirits align.

But amid the harmony, drama may arise,
Testing the bonds, revealing truth in disguise,
A storm of emotions, turbulent and wild,
Friendship’s resilience, put to the trial.

In facing the drama, we learn and grow,
Navigating conflicts, seeds of wisdom we sow,
Communication’s embrace, the healer’s balm,
Friendship’s foundation, weathering the storm.

So let us reflect on these threads we weave,
Friendship’s tapestry, intricate and naïve,
Euphoria, empowerment, drama entwined,
A tapestry of life, beautifully designed.

Embers of Empowerment

In the realm of human existence, we find,
A tapestry woven with threads that bind.
Fear, a shadow that dances in the mind,
Yet within its grip, empowerment we find.

Like an ember, burning deep within,
Fear flickers, but courage begins.
Evanescent doubts, they fade away,
Revealing strength to face a brand-new day.

Amidst the drama life tends to weave,
Beauty emerges, our spirits to relieve.
For within the chaos, a silver lining gleams,
A reminder of life’s enchanting dreams.

In the face of fear, let us rise,
Empowered souls, reaching for the skies.
Unleashing the ember’s resilient glow,
Igniting the path where strength shall flow.

For fear may knock with a thunderous sound,
But within us lies power, resounding and profound.
We face the evanescent nature of our fears,
Embracing courage as it whispers in our ears.

Drama may swirl, a tempest’s embrace,
But we find solace in beauty’s grace.
In the fleeting moments, where magic resides,
We glimpse the magnificence life provides.

Let fear be the canvas, empowerment the stroke,
Embers igniting hearts, evoking hope.
In life’s grand drama, we find our role,
And through it all, we discover our soul.

For within the chaos and the sublime,
We find strength to rise, time after time.
Empowered, we navigate life’s intricate plea,
Embracing the beauty of who we’re meant to be.

Fractured Facades: A Heart’s Desalinization

In shadows cast, a tale now weaves,
Of shattered hopes and love's decieves,
A girl, wounded, her heart betrayed,
By a promise she thought would never

She offered her affection, open and true,
But he denied her, a painful residue,
A promise made, to stay as friends,
Yet it brought torment that never mends.

Resentment brewed, a venomous brew,
Within her heart, emotions askew,
She spun a web of bitter disdain,
To hide her love, now drowned in pain.

Her words like daggers, sharp and cold,
Lies she whispered, her true thoughts
She painted him with shades of disdain,
A fragile heart seeking to shift blame.

In her dark corners, anger thrived,
Fanning the flames of loved deprived,
She despised his choice, his distant gaze,
Yet silently yearned for his loving embrace.

But as she weaved her intricate lies,
The truth within her slowly dies,
For deceit cannot quell a wounded soul,
Nor fill the void where love once stole.

In the depths of her despair and spite,
She found no solace, no respite,
For love denied and promises kept,
Left her shattered, alone, and bereft.

Oh, bitter fate, with its cruel game,
Where hearts collide and break in shame,
No happy ending shall grace this tale, 
Just echoes of love, doomed to fail.

So let her linger in her disdain,
A girl lost in love's cruel reign,
For sometimes pain has no release,
And bitter hearts find no lasting peace. 

The Love That Crosses Boundaries: A Modern Myth Retold

A poem about the Webcomic Book “Lore Of Olympus Volume 1” by Rachel Smythe 

A story unfolds of gods and their might
Of love and passion, forbidden in sight
Myths of old, in modern light
As gods and goddesses take flight

In the first volume, a love story is born
Of Hades and Persephone, in the underworld sworn
Their hearts are true, yet they are torn
By the history and fate that they have sworn

Their love is pure, yet the rules dictate
That they must stay apart, for it’s too late
To break the barriers that they create
And for their love, they must patiently wait

But love is not without its trials
As others seek to quell their smiles
And the past threatens to reveal its guiles
To tear them apart and break their styles

Through drama, romance, and secrets untold
Their love story will begin to unfold
As they navigate the challenges bold
And their love story starts to take hold

For in this world of gods and myths
Their love is what forever lifts
Above the turmoil and the rifts
As they seek a love that forever uplifts.