Victim Of Greed


"Is materialistic things all you're after," a somber refrain,
A tale of love marred by avarice's stain,
In the shadow of wealth, a heart left in pain,
A relationship shattered, never to be the same.

Once, love bloomed bright, a promise so sweet,
Two souls entwined, in harmony complete,
But greed crept, like a thief in the night,
And cast a dark shadow, blinding the light.

Desires for riches, possessions untold,
Drowned out the whispers of love, once so bold,
Each dollar, each coin, like a poison, it stole,
leaving love's tender bonds tattered and cold.

"Is materialistic things all you desire,"
I questioned, tears falling like rain,
In this web of greed, we're caught in the mire,
Our love, once ablaze, now extinguished in pain.

Sacrificio burlado

Version 1

In the realm of Lamos, where shadows
Vekir, the Guardian, was awakened from
He gazed upon the hero, with a mocking
For something amiss, a burden she did

"Wait," said Vekir, his voice dripping disdain,
"Something's different, your demeanor
is not the same.
No longer noble, no longer pure,
What have you done, dear hero, to ensure
That ancient blade clutched tight within
your grasp,
A prize obtained by sacrifice, a deadly

He sneered at her, his eyes gleaming with 
As her tears mixed with blood, a forlorn
Kneeling there, one knee pressed against
the stone,
Her heart weighed heavy, with sacrifice

"Oh, how brave you are, a blade so rare,
Obtained by shedding blood, a life you dare.
Tell me, hero, who did you forsake,
To wield that weapon, your soul a stake?
A loved one, perhaps, once close and dear,
Their life extinguished, their memory

The hero trembled, her voice but a whisper,
"Vekir, Guardian of Lamos, my heart's
I gave up someone, someone I hold dear,
Their sacrifice fuels this blade of fear.
You mock my pain, my burden so deep,
But know this, Vekir, even shadows weep."

Vekir laughed, a wicked sound in the air,
Mocking her anguish, reveling in dispair.
"Shadows weep? How quaint, a feeble plea,
A blade stained with blood, a heart torn 
Your noble facade crumbling, a broken art."

Charm’s Manipulative Dance

In golden words she weaves her tale, 
A charming guise, a captivating veil.
"I'm pretty and smart," her lips declare,
While her eyes gleam with a knowing stare.

With cunning grace, she dances the game,
A master of manipulation, her aims untamed.
Her smile, a weapon, disarms with ease,
As she weaves her web of sweet deceit.

But behind that smile, a darkness resides, 
A heart detached, where empathy hides.
Her words, like whispers, they beguile,
Yet truth eludes her calculating guile.

Beneath the surface, a dismissive air,
She dances with power, devoid of care.
Her laughter, a mask, conceals her intent,
Leaving others to wonder where loyalty went.
For those who trust, her presence divine,
Yet beware the allure of her beguiling design.
Her charm, a façade, a fleeting ruse,
Leaving hearts shattered, and souls confused.

Oh, pretty and smart, she claims to be,
But her actions speak louder, for all to see.
A puppeteer of emotions, she plays her part,
Leaving behind a trail of broken hearts.

So be wary, dear souls, of her captivating spell,
For beneath her beauty lies a tale to tell.
In her realm of manipulation, she may reign, 
But true connection, she can never attain.

Immortal Warden


Prompt: The Immortal Warden

Oh, my misguided friend, make no mistake. This is no mere episode of corruption of my eternal conviction. I shall find no solace until I find my enemies writhing in agonizing pain beneath the pressure of my blade, begging for mercy amongst the bodies of their fallen brothers, regretting and ruining the day in which they crossed me. Which I shall deny them such mercy as death.


In shadows deep, where darkness dwells,
A figure stern, the immortal Warden, tells
Of battles fought with fiery might,
And enemies crushed in eternal night.

Oh, my misguided friend, he cries,
This corruption breeds no compromise.
With unwavering conviction, he stands tall,
Vowing vengeance, to make them fall.

No solace sought, no respite found,
Until his foes lie broken on the ground.
Beneath his blade, in pain they writhe,
their final Breaths, the price of their strive.

Begging for mercy, they'll tremble, they'll
Yet his heart of steel will pay no heed.
Amidst the fallen, their brothers lost,
Regret will consume them, a bitter cost.

For they dared to cross his righteous path,
Invoking the wrath pf this immortal's wrath.
No mercy granted, no release from life,
They'll taste the bitter edge of his strife.

Oh. Immortal Warden, relentless and true,
Your vengeance burns with a crimson hue.
Through battles waged, your legend's born,
A symphony of anguish, your enemies torn.

In the annals of time, your name shall be 
A mythic figure, with songs forever young.
For you are the guardian, unyielding,
Forever marked, by the vengeance you've

Regretful Denial of Love

Kell: Look I… I can’t care for you the way I care for her. You know…?

Bianca: I know.

Kell: “You know–” Then why do you hang out with me like this anyway? Why do you spend so much time with me…?

Bianca: Well. Because I care for you. Isn’t that reason enough?

(Video gets cut off)

Marcell: Do you regret your choice now? Denying her feelings like they meant nothing.

Kell: You think holding me here will bring her back from the grave?

Marcell: All you had to do was care for her even if it wasn’t real.


In the depths of our tangled hearts’ maze,
Where love and longing intertwined,
A fragile dance of souls ablaze,
Two paths diverged, destinies assigned.

Kell, tormented by a love untamed,
His heart divided, pulled apart,
Could not reciprocate as Bianca claimed,
For another held his beating heart.

“I can’t care for you,” he softly spoke,
His voice laden with sorrow’s weight,
A confession that left their spirits broke,
Their bond tested, strained by fate.

Bianca, aware of his conflicted plight,
Accepted his truth with grace profound,
In her heart, a flickering light,
For Kell, her friendship did resound.

“Why do you stay?” he pleaded, distressed,
Seeking solace in her tender reply,
“I care for you,” she gently professed,
A reason pure, no question of why.

But regret loomed heavy in Marcell’s eyes,
As he observed the choices made,
He saw the pain, the love denied,
The consequences that wouldn’t fade.

“Do you regret?” Marcell asked, accusation in his tone,
Denying her feelings, like petals withered away,
He hoped to awaken what was overthrown,
To find redemption in love’s array.

But Kell’s response was resolute, yet bleak,
“Holding me here won’t revive what’s lost,
Even if I pretended, my heart wouldn’t speak,
Love can’t be forced at any cost.”

So Marcell, with pen in hand, crafted a verse,
An elegy for love’s shattered refrain,
A poem to capture the pain and curse,
Of hearts entangled, love’s bittersweet domain.

In the realm of words, he wove their tale,
Of Kell and Bianca, a bond misunderstood,
A tragedy of hearts destined to fail,
And the lessons learned in love’s tangled wood.


Siblings’ Fiery Exchange

Prompt: Conversation between siblings

Prompt Conversation:

Shaati: (Grabs her sister by the color) And you dare call yourself human?!

Vylona: No, of course, I don’t. Neither should you (staring at her sister’s bloodied hands)

Shaati: Tch.

In the realm of sibling ties, emotions flare,
A fiery exchange, a tumultuous affair.
Shaati, with anger, grabs her sister's collar,
Questioning her humanity, causing the 
scene to holler.

Vylona, gazing at her sister's hands stained 
Responds calmly, refusing to bow her head.
"No, I don't claim such title, nor should you," 
she declares,
A reflection in her eyes, pain and concern 
she wears.

The grip tightens, tension hangs in the air,
Words thrown like arrows, sharp and unfair.
Shaati's discontent, a bitter sound, "Tch,"
A fleeting expression, a voice of dismissal to 

Within the bounds of blood, conflict unfolds,
In this tapestry of emotions, their story 
In the depths of their bond, a tempest roars,
A tale of kinship, tested by life's countless 

But beneath the surface, a love remains 
Though disagreements persist, it won't be 
For siblings to find solace, forgiveness to 
In the realm of compassion, unity they'll 

For the ties that bind, no storm can sever,
Through clashes and chaos, their bond will 
In the ebb and flow of life's relentless tide,
Their siblinghood endures, standing side by 

So let the words fade, let the anger 
In the space between them, understanding 
For in the tapestry of siblings' fierce 
Love's gentle thread weaves the ultimate 