Monstrous Beast, Still Loved


In the Fairy Forest, a tale unfurled, Where a 
tower stood, worn, yet tall.
A knight adorned in silver, fearsome knight, 
And a woman, clad in white, stood by his 
With opal necklace gleaming bright, and 
hair of white.

"What if my real face was hideous?" he 
asked, With a voice tinged with doubt, his 
heart entwined.
"Fear not," she replied, with gentle grace,
"For your visage matters not in love's 

"Would it still be fine, if a monstrous beast I 
be?" His words echoed, carried by the 
whispering breeze.
A pause ensued, but her answer was clear,
"Yeah," she said, her voice tender and 

"So, I'd still want to see it, in all its form,
For the essence of your being holds love's 
A face matters not, when souls intertwine,
As long as it's you, my love, your heart 

In the Fairy Forest, a love bloomed strong.
Amidst silver armor and a hood, dark and dread, 
With a woman dressed in white, an 
opal's glow, And a knight, finding solace in 
love's embrace,
Together, they found beauty in the depths of 

Belief in a Worthy Blessing

I hope beautiful things happen to you, and when they do, I hope you can believe that you are worthy of every single one of them.

In the realm of verse, let's weave a tale,
Of hopes and dreams that gently sail.
Where beautiful things come to find,
A place to dwell within the mind.

Oh, gracious soul, may your heart be bright,
As stars that twinkle in the night.
May destiny's hand gently unfold,
In stories yet untold, but soon to be told.

When fortune's breeze whispers your name,
And blessings in your life find their calm,
Believe, dear one, that you're worthy, true,
Of every joy that comes to you.

Like petals adorning a bloom so rare,
Embrace each moment, for it's yours to 
Let doubt's shadow fade into the past,
For you my friend, have found your vast.

A tepestry woven with love and grace,
Painted ith hues of dreams embraced.
Embrace these blessings, let them unfurl,
As life's symphony dances and swirls.

And in the depths of yuor being, know,
You're desrving of all the seeds you sow.
For beauty resides within your core,
An eternal flame, forevermore.

So, when those beautiful things come your
Breathe deeply, my dear, and let them stay.
Embrace the truth that you are deserving,
Of every blessing, ever deserving.

May your path be adorned with treasures
And may your heart forever bear,
The knowledge that you are worthy, true,
Of every dream that comes to you.


Embers of Empowerment

In the realm of human existence, we find,
A tapestry woven with threads that bind.
Fear, a shadow that dances in the mind,
Yet within its grip, empowerment we find.

Like an ember, burning deep within,
Fear flickers, but courage begins.
Evanescent doubts, they fade away,
Revealing strength to face a brand-new day.

Amidst the drama life tends to weave,
Beauty emerges, our spirits to relieve.
For within the chaos, a silver lining gleams,
A reminder of life’s enchanting dreams.

In the face of fear, let us rise,
Empowered souls, reaching for the skies.
Unleashing the ember’s resilient glow,
Igniting the path where strength shall flow.

For fear may knock with a thunderous sound,
But within us lies power, resounding and profound.
We face the evanescent nature of our fears,
Embracing courage as it whispers in our ears.

Drama may swirl, a tempest’s embrace,
But we find solace in beauty’s grace.
In the fleeting moments, where magic resides,
We glimpse the magnificence life provides.

Let fear be the canvas, empowerment the stroke,
Embers igniting hearts, evoking hope.
In life’s grand drama, we find our role,
And through it all, we discover our soul.

For within the chaos and the sublime,
We find strength to rise, time after time.
Empowered, we navigate life’s intricate plea,
Embracing the beauty of who we’re meant to be.