Whispers of the Soul

Poem Request by Julian: The category he chose beside the 5 random wheel spins is “Fear”

Amidst ancient realms, where cherry blossoms sway,
In the land of the rising sun, a poet finds his way.
In the spirit of Japanese dynasty’s grace,
Let verses be woven, each line a sacred space.

Through the veil of time, retrospective tides flow,
Revealing the web of causality’s intricate glow.
Realization, like moonlight on tranquil seas,
Illuminate paths, where destiny finds its keys.

Resilience, a virtue cherished, Samurai’s heart aflame,
Embracing challenges, never yielding to shame.
With katana’s edge, the spirit cuts through strife,
Fierce resolve standing firm, in the dance of life.

In whispers of betrayal, echoes of disharmony,
Samurais’honor tested, blades of loyalty keen.
Through honor’s code, they navigate the storm,
Seeking justice and harmony, the way of the noble norm.

Celestial secrets, whispered by ancient skies,
Astrology’s wisdom, an emperor’s allies.
Stars paint stories, woven in cosmic design,
Guiding souls with grace, a celestial shrine.

Fear, a shadow that dances upon the soul’s stage,
But samurais rise, courageous and sage.
They face the darkness with unwavering might,
Embracing fear’s challenge, to reclaim the light.

In this poetic voyage, let the ancient dynasty’s spirit soar,
Verse by verse, in reverence we explore.
Within these words, echoes of a bygone age,
Japanese beauty and grace, forever on the page.

Star’s Incandescent Wisdom


In realms of stars, incandescent gleam,
Astrology whispers secrets untold,
A cosmos map, our fates in dream.

The Skies above, a celestial stream,
Their wisdom ancient, stories unfold,
In realms of stars, incandescent gleam.

Seeking meaning, we drift and scheme,
Aligning planets, patterns unfold,
A cosmos map, our fates in dream.

Through doubts and fears, we find esteem,
Embracing flaws, a journey untold,
In realms of stars, incandescent gleam.

Perseverance, our guiding theme,
Accepting self, as we are bold,
A cosmos map, our fates in dream.

Breaking chains, we chase the sunbeam,
Self-liberation, we now behold,
In realms of stars, incandescent gleam,
A cosmos map, our fates in dream. 

Amidst the stardust, fart's silent scream,
A humorous touch to life's unfold,
In realms of stars, Incandescent gleam.

Tituba: Celestial Vanguard

In realms of mystic power, a warrior roams,
Tituba, an Angel Assassin, she calls her
With lightning crackle, her presence
A guardian of blance, a tale yet untold.

Her silver mist green eyes, a celesian gleam,
reflecting the cosmos, a starlit dream.
Within her lies the essennce of divine grace,
passion, playfulness, on her celestial face.
with gaze serene, emotions concealed,

A hint of dissapointment, her heart may
A dance of shadows, her distant kin she
To blend in the world, undetected,

Adept in combat, a masterful display,
Hand-to-Hand prowess, swords her own
Through battles waged, she moves with 
An expert of war, in darkness or in light.

But Tituba is more, a celesial thread,
A tepestry woven, where inspiration is 
In her veins courses the pulse of the skies,
A conduit of wisdom, where secrets arise.

Astrological whispers, stars whisper her
Cosmic alignments, her destiny aflame.
The constelations map her path with care,
guiding her steps, through relams unaware.

Passion ignites within, a fire untamed,
Playful laughter, her spirit untamed.
Her presence an inspiratio, a celestial
A beacon of hope in this tumultous time.

Oh, Tituba, Angel Assasssin of might,
With secrets and skills, veiled from sight,
Your story unfolds with cosmic delight,
A warrior, a muse, shining through the

In realms beyondd, where legends reside,
Tituba, a celestial force, inspiration within,
Her journey continues, a tale yet to begin.

Sting of the Σκορπιός

Oh, how the Scorpio is often
Seen as a creature of the night, cold and
Their strength and passion, often
feared and denied,
Labeled as a venomous, dangerous

Like a phoenix, they rise from the 
With an unbreakable sprit, that never
A Scorpio is like a force of nature,
With a power that cannot be

But these labels, like shackles, bind them
Hiding the depths of their soul from
It's time to break these chains,
let them free, To be seen as whole, not just a sign
to be.

They are like the waves, strong and
Crashing against the shore, with a power
that pierces.
Their emotions run deep, like the 
ocean floor,
But their heart beats with passion
worth exploring more.

So let us not judge them, by hearsay
for they are a mystery, with a tales yet 
to be shown.
Like a book, with many pages yet to
be read,
Let us give them a chance, to be seen
beyond the said.

The Great Being’s Astrological Art

Created: 4/16/2023

In the beginning, when time began,
A great being, with a master plan,
Crafted the stars and named them all,
And from their movements, the signs did fall.

The Ram was first, in springtime born,
With fiery spirit and horns adorn,
And Taurus followed, steadfast and strong,
In fields of green, where it belongs.

The Twins arrived in early June,
With minds quick and tongues attuned,
And Cancer, with its gentle touch,
Brings summer’s warmth, which means so much.

Leo, the lion, roars with pride,
As summer reaches its highest tide,
And Virgo, with its sharp mind keen,
Prepares for autumn’s changing scene.

The Scales of Libra, in balance, weigh,
The equinox, on the autumn day,
And Scorpio, with its stinging tail,
Brings passion and intensity without fail.

Sagittarius, the archer, aims true,
As winter’s chill creeps into view,
And Capricorn, with a steadfast climb,
Ascends to the mountain top sublime.

Aquarius, the water-bearer, pours,
Its wisdom on humanity’s shores,
And Pisces, with its fishy sign,
Ends winter’s grip with a watery line.

All these signs, with their own story,
Foretell the future and give us glory,
Thanks to the great being’s masterful art,
We chart the stars and keep them in our hearts.

Air Sign Symphony

Created: April 10, 2023, 14:00 pm


In the center of the painting, two figures stand,
A harmony in balance, one light and one dark.
Gemini and Libra, the air and the hand.

The twins, with minds like quicksilver and sand,
Bring balance to the scales, a delicate art.
In the center of the painting, two figures stand.

The balance of justice, the swing of the pend,
Fulfills the harmony of the world, and its heart.
Gemini and Libra, the air and the hand.

The scales that measure what’s fair and what’s bland,
Are guided by the stars, a cosmic chart.
In the center of the painting, two figures stand.

Gemini, the quick wit, and Libra, the stand,
Are like yin and yang, forever a part.
Gemini and Libra, the air and the hand.

A cosmic dance, forever unplanned,
But harmony will reign, from start to depart.
In the center of the painting, two figures stand,
Gemini and Libra, the air and the hand.

Celestial Dance

Created: April 10, 2023, 9:33 am


The water and the scorpion intertwine,
A mystical dance in the depths of the sea,
One's poison and one's emotion divine.

One with the waves, the other with the spine,
Together they thrive in the mystery,
The water and the scorpion intertwine.

Pisces, the dreamer, sees the stars align,
Scorpion, the warrior, fights fiercely and free,
One's poison and one's emotion divine.

The scorpion guards while Pisces designs,
Their bond unbreakable, a bond that will be,
The water and the scorpion intertwine.

A balance of light and darkness they find,
Their strength and depth a sight to behold and see,
One's poison and one's emotion divine.

In the depths of the ocean, their souls combine,
a cosmic connection, their destiny,
The water and the scorpion intertwine,
One's poison and one's emotion divine.

Whispers of the Stars: An Ode to Scorpio and Nature’s Secrets

Created: April 2, 2023, 15;27 pm

What if the stars could whisper secrets of the night,
To the fierce Scorpio, who knows how to fight?
What if the moon could guide Scorpio’s way,
As they venture out into the dark and astray?

What if nature could show Scorpio the truth,
And reveal the mysteries of age-old youth?
What if the forest could teach Scorpio to see,
The beauty in the shadows, and the strength in being free?

For Scorpio knows the power of the unseen,
And how to navigate the depths of what has been,
And in nature’s embrace, Scorpio finds a place,
Where secrets can be unlocked, and new paths can be traced.

For Scorpio sees the magic in the earth and the sky,
And knows that sometimes the truth can be hard to find,
But through the whispers of nature, and the wisdom of the stars,
Scorpio knows that they can uncover what is hidden, and push past any bars.

So here’s to Scorpio, who knows how to embrace,
The secrets of nature, and the beauty in each place,
For in the depths of what ifs, and the wonder of nature’s hold,
Scorpio finds the power to be brave, and strong, and bold.