
Created: April 12, 2022

Modified: Jun 26, 2022, 18:17

Last modified: Feb 22, 2023, 14:16


I disregard her calls and texts with 
But her smile, once beautiful, now 
makes me freeze 
For I've seen the truth behind that 
crooked grin 
And I wish I could erase the memory 

"It only happened a few times," she says 
As if the words could make my 
worries fade 
But my mind races, spinning in fear 
That the monster will again appear

Normally, I'm strong and can defend 
But at that moment, I was broken, 
unable to mend 
"I didn't mean it, come back!" 
she cried But her words were empty, a hollow 

That crooked smile once full of charm 
Now hides deceit, causing great harm 
Believe her lies and your soul will pay 
the toll 
Leaving you like a tree in winter, bare and 

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