Hacked Mind

Created: 23/ 1/ 31

Modified: 23/ 2/ 13


You’re nervous
A bit of a wreck
But you never fail to smile at yourself when you mess up
As you always do

You’re damaged
That much is clear
But your smooth laugh puts the whole room at ease
No matter how scarcely it surfaces
You’ve been hurt by everyone
Yourself included-
But you’d rather die
Then put someone down
Because you truly believe every achievement is worth all the stars in the sky

You’re quiet
Sometimes it’s a little annoying
But who can blame you
You mean no harm

You’re self-conscious.
I mean aren’t we all?
But you put everyone else back together.
so, they can’t resist loving themselves a little more.
Forgetting you were their light of restoration
No matter how much.
You try
You’ll only be a distant memory
You Stupid

Hate yourself!
And drown in your blood-shaven pages

Lilith y Destuca

Mestailfy Ikeme

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