The Fatal Rule of Love

In life, there are rules we’re told to obey,
To keep us safe and out of harm’s way,
And among them is a harsh decree,
To show no love, or risk death’s key.

For love is a thing that softens the heart,
And makes us vulnerable, torn apart,
It opens us up to pain and despair,
And leaves us defenseless, stripped and bare.

So we’re told to be cold, to keep love at bay,
To guard ourselves in every single way,
To never let our guard down or give in,
For love is a weakness, a fatal sin.

But what of the beauty that love can bring,
The warmth it provides, the joy it can sing,
The way it connects us to others around,
And lifts us up when we’re feeling down?

Is it worth the risk to shut out love’s light,
To live in the darkness of eternal night,
To miss out on the moments that make life worth living,
And the happiness that love can bring, freely giving?

Perhaps we should reconsider this rule,
And instead embrace love as a powerful tool,
To connect us to others in a meaningful way,
And enrich our lives with each passing day.

For in the end, it’s love that gives life its meaning,
The joy and the laughter, the moments redeeming,
So let us show love, let our hearts be unfurled,
For love is the greatest gift in this world.


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