Short Convo/Story between two of my characters.

I’ll make a poem out of this convo soon…probably

Uneka: Ishnol where are you going? You can’t just keep leaving outta nowhere like this.

Ishnol ignores walking by roughly bumping into her shoulder. She grabs him making him turn and grab her by her neck. All she could see was his left eye turning black and the right turning white with a Nordic symbol as his pupils.

Ishnol: Do you know the definition of immortality?

Uneka: What (struggling to breathe) the fuck are you talking about?

He then releases her dropping her to the ground as she lands on her knees gasping for air.

Ishnol: It means that my candle and only my candle can not be extinguished. Can you guess how many times my it has gone out just to burn again!! The countless bones I’ve shattered just for them to heal right back. I still feel the pain from my last mission. I’m only 15 and I’ve seen people die in ways no one should ever have to witness. I can’t be attached to people because I will live on as I watch them slowly die in front of me. I’ve been berated, betrayed, held captive, and tortured by this so-called gift I was given. So I ask again do you know the fucking definition of Immortality?

Uneka: It means you live fore-.

Ishnol: No!! It’s a cursed existence that traps one in an eternal cycle of pain, suffering, and loneliness. It is a state where one is condemned to witness the decay and destruction of everything they hold dear, while they themselves remain forever unchanged and stagnant. Immortality is the ultimate manifestation of hubris, a perpetual reminder of one’s own insignificance in the face of an uncaring universe. It is a fate worse than death, an endless nightmare that one can never wake up from, and a curse that can only be bestowed upon those deemed unworthy of true rest and peace in the afterlife.



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