Victim of DA-Gaslighting



Why are you trying to make me seem crazy,
With every word and gesture, sly and hazy?
You twist the truth and distort the facts,
In this gaslit world, I struggle to relax.

You undermine my thoughts, my feelings, my worth,
A victim of your gaslighting since my birth.
But I won't let your deceit define my fate,
I'll reclaim my truth and break free from this state.

I'll hold on to my sanity, thought you try to steal,
In this poem, my strength and resolve, I'll reveal.
No longer your pawn, I'll break these chains,
In the face of your lies, my spirit remains.

Through the webs of deceit, I tread the road,
In the shadows of Manipulation, my truth untold.
With every lie, a story unfolds,
In this gaslit world, my spirit, they'd behold.